Tiny Suggestion + Diablo

Posted by KaBob799 on Sept. 2, 2012, 4:59 p.m.

So I have a tiny suggestion for whoever is working on 64d code these days, when you edit a blog it should take you to the blog you edited and not to your main user page. I often get annoyed when editing my game collection blog because I have to go back to page 4 and scroll down to find it every time.

Anyway, half price books is having a 20% off sale for labor day weekend and I ended up buying Diablo 1 because it was a good price. Yeah, I've never played a diablo game. It looks like I'll need to download a fix to get it working on Windows 7 (its an original disc, even says windows 95 on it =p). I also got Sword of the Stars: Ultimate Collection which is supposed to be a fairly decent 4x game, I'm just a sucker for space strategy games =p

In the world of Minecraft, I learned how to program add-ons for CheeseMod. So now if I have a cool, but large or potentially glitchy, idea I can make a new plugin that extends CheeseMod. The first one I'm working on (with help from Jeremy) is called CheeseCity and will focus on npc village generation.

The advantage of this is the main cheesemod file wont get ridiculously huge and if one of my more experimental systems has a compatability problem it wont hold back the entire mod from updating. It also lets me keep the various events from getting filled with 5000000 lines of code.


Charlie Carlo 12 years, 6 months ago

Diablo 1 was really slow and boring, in my opinion.

Also, if you make a Minecraft mod that adds goats and/or voodoo, Charliecraft will mod-support the fuck out of it.

Visor 12 years, 6 months ago

Diablo 1 is a classic. But yeah, it is rather slow. You'll probably enjoy it regardless.

KaBob799 12 years, 6 months ago

I wish I could add mobs but I can't, I hope to be able to by the end of year but it completely depends on how long it takes the mc API to be finished.

Quietus 12 years, 6 months ago

i've played the first Diablo a good 10-20 times, the random generation never gets old (especially with unique items). it may be slow-moving but i think the pace fits the unsettling atmosphere. though it's not really classified as horror, i generally consider it one of my favorite scary games.

the expansion Hellfire adds another 8 levels to the original 16, and more side-quests/enemies. i'll probably start that one up again next time, since i haven't played it in a while.