Strange Notes, Good Deals, CheeseMod Beta

Posted by KaBob799 on Nov. 5, 2012, 12:03 a.m.

So yesterday I got a copy of Halo: Reach for $12 used, which is pretty insane considering it normally costs $35. It even came with an unopened dlc helmet code or something, I haven't used it yet =p. I also got 2 of those guitar hero ds games for $5 each and I'm pretty sure they were new not used. I wasn't too interested in actually playing them, but it seems like a good price for a new game + accessory. I also got Yoshi Story (n64) =D

Anyway, so inside the case of halo was this weird to do list which I can only assume was left in it on purpose as a joke. It's a bit hard to read in this pic but you can tell what it says.

Anyway, bukkit 1.4 hasn't hit the recommended build stage yet but here is a beta version of CheeseMod 1.4. It includes the basic support for new blocks/items/mobs and also some other stuff that I'll mention in the real releases changelog.

Outside of CheeseMod, work continues on Pokemon Twilight and my shoutbox/forums. I've been pretty busy with class stuff though so not too much is getting done.

On that note, I know this is a long shot but if anybody needs anything big or small programmed in PHP/MySQL/Javascript like a blog/forum/admin panel/etc I need to earn some money =p The reason its a long shot is that I'd rather not have to do too much on the graphical side of the design.


Cesar 12 years, 4 months ago

You really need an actual camera. That looks like it was taken with a potato.

KaBob799 12 years, 4 months ago

I have a camera thats better (still old though) but I think my parents have it right now. Wasn't worth the trouble to go find it just for this =p

Praying Mantis 12 years, 4 months ago

Looks like it was taken by mashed potatoes. Burnt mashed potatoes.

TehHoosier 12 years, 4 months ago

plus one for Halo Reach.

Eva unit-01 12 years, 4 months ago

Yo son, you needs some of dat Amazon. I got Halo Reach Limited Edition for like $45, minus the voodoo list.

Also I cracked up at Cyrus.