I guess I forgot to blog

Posted by KaBob799 on Dec. 10, 2012, 1:57 a.m.

Not really, but yeah its been a month. So like 2 weeks after saying I didn't need GM:S, I ended up getting GM:S because of the Cyber Monday sale. To be perfectly honest, I'm disappointed with it for a variety of reasons. It's ok, it's just there's a lot of annoyances that probably could have been avoided or reduced.

Midi support is half dropped, but it isn't really aware of that so it attempts to convert them to mp3/ogg (and it fails but doesn't tell you it failed) every single time I run the game and causes freezes In HTML5 mode. Compiling is much slower, standalone exes are replaced with installers on windows, the HTML5 precise collision engine works slightly different so porting code is stupid, the load screen defaults to the C drive every time (and it doesn't have any favorite folders on the side either, so you have to go through all the layers to wherever you store your stuff if its not in the recent files.

The lack of a PHP style isset() makes the lack of "set undefined variables to 0" annoying to me, surely there must be some way to check if a variable exists with compiled code. Otherwise it wouldn't know when to error =p Setting it up in the first place was glitchy, it tried to force me to use android mode even though I don't even own the android portion. I could probably go on if I thought about. but yeah my biggest worry is they'll finally fix some of this crap but it will be in GM:S2 or something. It's easy to focus on the bad, especially since I'm porting a lot of old code over. I'll probably be pretty happy when I make my first HTML5 game in it. That said, I'm still working on the project from my previous blog because it wouldn't work well in GM:S.

Outside of that long complaint, I've been ridiculously busy with class stuff lately. I made this crappy website: http://omega.uta.edu/~sxg6959/4350/index.php As my final project for my major. Basically what happened is, my client was another class so students in that class made the logo, wrote the articles and took the pictures and then I made the website based on what they wanted ("we want it to look like pinterest") and formatted everything.

CheeseMod got a new beta build earlier today, nothing major though but recent dev builds of bukkit have broken a lot of stuff so I had to update.

I have 2 finals this week and then I graduate on Saturday. Please send all graduation gifts to 555 Five street, Fake City USA.


Snakeman 12 years, 2 months ago

Midi support is half dropped,
Well, that doesn't seem too ba-

but it isn't really aware of that so it attempts to convert them to mp3/ogg (and it fails but doesn't tell you it failed) every single time I run the game and causes freezes In HTML5 mode.

Compiling is much slower,


standalone exes are replaced with installers on windows,

the HTML5 precise collision engine works slightly different so porting code is stupid,

the load screen defaults to the C drive every time (and it doesn't have any favorite folders on the side either, so you have to go through all the layers to wherever you store your stuff if its not in the recent files.

I really gotta ask, after all those points were brought up… was it even worth buying it on sale?

KaBob799 12 years, 2 months ago

Yes, if only because I'm finally not limited to windows.

Rob 12 years, 2 months ago

Compiling is much slower

Who would've guessed that compiling to machine code would take longer than "compiling" for an interpreted language?

I mean, C++ should compile instantly just because Python doesn't need to compile, right?

KaBob799 12 years, 2 months ago

I said a lot of these problems could be "avoided or reduced" I never said they didn't exist for valid reasons.

Mairu 12 years, 2 months ago

Quote: KaBob799
standalone exes are replaced with installers on windows
Try using the zip option instead of the exe.

KaBob799 12 years, 2 months ago

Ok that's a bit better, but still a downgrade since its multiple files all in the same folder instead of a standalone exe. At the very least, a subfolder for the other files would be preferred.

firestormx 12 years, 2 months ago

I sent you a bomb.

Merry graduation, mother fucker.

KaBob799 12 years, 2 months ago

It's just what I wanted =D