College Completion + Cheese Stuff

Posted by KaBob799 on Dec. 19, 2012, 1:28 p.m.

So I'm officially a college graduate now, we did the whole graduation ceremony thing on Saturday and today my grades were finalized so now I just have to wait for the diploma to ship. It's been great having free time again, I didn't really have any true vacation time since January. I'm getting a lot done in programming and in video games =]

Speaking of programming, bukkit finally released a recommended build for 1.4.5 today (but 1.4.6 is coming out Thursday lol) so it's CheeseMod update time! If you haven't updated bukkit in the past few weeks, this new version will likely break most of your old plugins including CheeseMod. There's been a lot of structural changes in bukkit recently.

As usual, the download is available on the CheeseMod site and the changelog is available here. I'm hoping to make some good progress on the CheeseMod site in January, hopefully by February I will have all the features documented. There's a lot of minor stuff added in these updates that's too small to list, so I think people are missing out on a lot of what CheeseMod has to offer.

Also recently I released a new CheeseMod plugin called CheeseCity. It is a separate plugin which allows you to get information about npc villages, as well as create npc villages wherever you want. For information and the download, go here. It's a small plugin right now, but I plan on expanding it in the future.

As far as video games go, I've been playing through Halo: ODST and Halo: Reach on legendary. I'm hoping to beat them both before Christmas because that's when I'm going to get Halo 4.


Alert Games 12 years, 2 months ago

Nice dude. I'm looking forward to free time as well. Halo 4 has a good campaign mode, so if you're a collector of the games its a good investment.

Charlie Carlo 12 years, 2 months ago


That's all I got.

KaBob799 12 years, 2 months ago

Yeah until recently I only owned a couple Halo games but now I have 1, 3, wars, reach and soon 4. So all I'll be missing is 2, odst and the revamp of 1 (geeze so many halo games)

KaBob799 12 years, 2 months ago

I've released a 1.4.6 beta of CheeseMod on the site for anyone interested

tylerthemiler 12 years, 2 months ago

Congrats dude, just finished college myself. It's a great feeling.