Finally going to post a blog instead of just thinking about it

Posted by KaBob799 on March 8, 2016, 8:45 a.m.

You might have seen me in the comments every once in a while but for the most part I've not been active around here for a ridiculous amount of time. Also for some reason I didn't mention in my previous blog that I had gotten engaged to my highschool girlfriend a few months prior to it.

I've still been busy with work and have consistently been having problems getting enough sleep, which has resulted in an extreme reduction of productivity. Nevertheless, let's recap what I've been up to in the past 10 months.

I built my desktop computer, it's pretty awesome. Although just last week it developed a hopefully minor issue but I haven't had time to work on fixing it. I'm still 50/50 on whether it's a software or hardware issue =p I've been using it to record YouTube videos (still doing that!) so it's really important I get it fixed.

As far as YouTube is concerned, I've unfortunately been unable to keep a steady release schedule since I started my job and thus haven't really been gaining subscribers. I had intended to go back to 2 videos a day last week but of course my computer decided to stop working during the first video of my recording marathon >:( As soon as the computer is fixed (crossing my fingers for tomorrow, if it's not a hardware problem) I'll be resuming my goal of 2 videos a day and will be building up enough of a buffer that I should always have at least 1 video a day even in the worst case scenarios.

Sometime around when I finished building the computer my then-fiancée found a stray kitten that was only a couple months old and almost dead. We named him Chip and this is how he looks now that he is ~8 months old.

Then in December, I got married! Moved into an apartment with my wife, went on a honeymoon (my first vacation since starting my job D=) and have spent the past 3 months doing all the stuff that comes with moving out on your own for the first time. Exciting things like buying curtains and paying bills! And that brings us to today, where I randomly decided to post all this on 64d because I didn't want to go a whole year without blogging =p

As for what I've been up to in programming, I'm starting to mess around with HTML5 stuff a bit more. Could have some big plans in the future, if I ever manage to get enough sleep for more than a day or two =p Won't bother going into specifics because of my terrible track record in actually finishing projects =p


RC 8 years, 12 months ago

Cute kitty you've got there.

What all did you put into your PC build?

OBELISK 8 years, 12 months ago

Hi Bob

I hope you are a happy man these days

Cpsgames 8 years, 12 months ago

Hi there.

KaBob799 8 years, 12 months ago

The main bits are:

Graphics: MSI GeForce GTX 980 Ti GAMING 6G

Processor: Intel Core i7-6700K

MSI Gaming Z170A GAMING M7 Motherboard

G.SKILL Ripjaws V Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4 3000 RAM

I think the problem might have been a loose hard drive cable, if my computer is still running when I wake up this afternoon I will consider it fixed =D

Ferret 8 years, 12 months ago

Oh god, 64Digit members are getting married! Oh jeez!

That is a cute cat you have there :D

Sorry if you mentioned this before, but what kind of work are you doing now? (If you're okay with sharing)