Well I havent done anything this last week. I got sick over a week ago, and I felt bad for around 3 days, then all I have felt like doing is playing morrowind and halo, and reading webcomics. plus saving for a wii =p
Finally I am in the mood to work on Super Mario TZ again so I will hopefully get a demo out sometime.My work on my other games has been relativley slow, TIM has been basically ready for a great new demo for months, but theres 1 or 2 glitches I havent taken the time to fix.Solar Security is being slowly worked, might get a new demo out in a couple weeks.I released a very tiny demo of OrbsMy comic is getting a little better, but I didnt work on it all week =( Ordered ChaosOh yeah, I will finally find out if I won that curse of kaumaha contest I entered months ago =)still havent heard anything about that lolomgwtfbb2 badge I earned long ago
yeah, hopefully soon