Wii, ps3, 360

Posted by KaBob799 on Oct. 10, 2006, 11:04 p.m.

Well everyone is making a blog about the new consoles, so I thought why not make one myself.

I guess I should list my views on the new systems.

x-box 360

ok so this new system has been out for a long time wiht no next-gen competition. Yet it is still selling less than older systems. Adding to that they release their best games on pc (halo, oblivion, etc). To me it just seems like a failure. However since microsoft has a seemingly endless supply of money so I dont see it dying out either. The 360 does have lots of things online, which might have been the best feature if they didnt make you pay for live.

Itwill be interesting to see where 360 is in one year, once ps3 and wii have had time to settle into the market.


Ok the ps3. Extremely high price, new expensive disc type. Expensive games. Copied wii controller. Shortages. To me it looks like a repeat of the x-box 360 only costing more. The ps2 was a great system, and thats sure to help it get sales. But considering they lose money each sale I dont see how thats gonna help them much. I wonder… are cross-platform games gonna put full work into pulling the most out of this systems ridiculous power? probably not. Therefore I dont think its graphics are gonna be that much better in many cases. the ps3 has a lot of extra features, I will give it that. But all those features are things you find on any computer, to me the ps3 is a gaming computer, only limited to their games only.

I think its gonna do about as good as the 360 is.


Nintendo hasnt exactly been doing good when it comes to consoles. The gamecube was good, but it just didnt get enough games out and died. The wii however seems to have a great game lineup for the first year or so, and they havent even announced sequals to greta games like pikmin. The connect 24 service sounds really nice too, improving upon the ds wifi (which might I mention, is extremely popular) the wii only has one friend code for all games. The mii service is interesting too, I am interested to see how close I can get one to look like me. Oh and did I forget to mention the controller. Unless something goes wrong (and the people who have played the wii are lying) the controller should be a major draw to the wii. Although right now its advertised right along with the wii its likely that, like the ds, once the system is out people will forget how obsessed they were with the controls. Not all ds games use the touch screen, and many more barely use it. The same thing will probably happen with some wii games. Since the wii can use the gamecube controller, and has a new controller for the virtual console (oh yeah another good thing about the wii) games dont have to take advantage of the motion sensing controls. The controls just add another possibility to the system.

edit: oh yeah it costs less then the other systems

well this is getting way too long, id better stop listing good things =p

also please note I did say that the wii might mess up, just because I had a lot of good things ot say about it doesnt mean I think it will be the best no matter what. Its still gotta do what nintendo says it will. If nintendo does win though…. it would probably mean that the next batch of systems to come out would try to take innovation to yet another level. Something I look forward to happening.

wow I think I wrote too much o.0 ive never wrote a blog like this before =p


melee-master 18 years, 4 months ago


The same thing will probably happen with some wii games.

I doubt it will happen too often, because this is a home console we're talking about. Many developers, like EA, barely put any thought or quality into their portable games, which was why they all sucked.

KaBob799 18 years, 4 months ago

Yeah I dont think it will happen to the same degree as the ds. But already Super Smash Brothers is supposed to be using gamecube/classic controllers

Nighthawk 18 years, 4 months ago

I can't wait for the Wii, it looks like the best to me.

marbs 18 years, 4 months ago

Wii will rock you.

Misconstruct 18 years, 4 months ago

Wii will be good, yes. Looking forward to that Mario game and that Zelda game.

And you're right that crossplatform games won't use the PS3's extra power. But there is much promise within the hardware, and many people will purchase the PS3 based on that promise. Launch titles, in most cases, look as good or better than Xbox 360 games. Price isn't that high, considering what the hardware is. Copied the Wii controller? Maybe, but it should still be cool. And the PS3's overwhelming power gives it something the 360 doesn't have: potential for innovative games! Games don't have to have a new controller to be able to be innovative. They need to be able to express or show something not do-able on the old consoles. And with the PS3, i'm sure that kind of stuff will happen. Seen fl0w? Looks very interesting. Graphically real sharp, so that rules out the Wii (to some extent). Motion sensing controls, so that rules out the Xbox 360.

The PS3 is esentially the Xbox 360 merged with the Wii, and then put on steroids.

- Sincerely, James Eastman

Cesar 18 years, 4 months ago

when it comes to games:

Xbox360: very few games have been released on the Xbox360, this is because few people can actually buy the console AND the games.

PS3: They're relying too heavily on sequels for new games. The tons of power will be most probably be put to waste, this is why:

imagine you're a developer, which will you put your game idea on, the difficult to program, extremely powerful PS3, which much less people have and have the capacity to buy, or the developer friendly, innovative Wii, which more people have or the capacity to buy.

that is why the Wii will have probably the best and largest lineup

Mordi 18 years, 4 months ago

I like the 360 the most out of these three.

Pico 18 years, 4 months ago

I share your idea

Nighthawk 18 years, 4 months ago

Either way, the Wii has SSBB, that's already enough in MY book. (I love Super Smash Bros.!)

Alert Games 18 years, 4 months ago

You forgot to mention that the 360 is already out, which means that it can have a price drop a lot sooner. It has less sales, because it is more expensive. duh. Plus, I want a 360 and a wii. My bro will get a wii, and I will probably get a 360 when Halo 3 comes out,. plus some other cool games.