Its strange, out of the top 15 bloggers im probably the least known. I bet theres people with 5 blogs that are more known than me =(
Anyway…..Im learning java at school and im thinking of maybe making some games to put on my website. Maybe ill remake some of my older game ideas in java.The name of my new game (the one mentioned in yesterdays blog) is offically Shock. It goes in with the storyline im planning and how the the game has a lot of traps and suprises.Im hungryDoes anyone have any ideas for my Particle Generator? I really do need some ideas.Really random fact:The first cow to fly in an airplane was named Ollie, the event occured in 1930.
OMFG HIT 5757 :O
I'm hungry too.
I was in the top 15th, but recently I've had nothing blog worthy, and so have dropped right down to 18th
Your in the top 15?
Lol sorry I had no ideaI was in top 10 for a long time =/
Shock? Hey! You stole my name! (ShocQ) XD
Anyway, if you need any help with your game (Programming, Music, Graphics), I'd be happy to help. Why haven't you posted it on the TZC forums yet?Theres not really enough to make a topic about yet. Im gonna post once I get a demo ready.
I didnt know how to pronoujnce ShocQ lolyou're known to me. XD