This is weird, the last 2 years I went trick or treating and my mom told me I was too old to trick or treat. This year im not and she keeps saying i should be trick or treating o.0
Anyway I am finally getting back around to working on Ordered Chaos my slightly good webcomic (I havent gotten far enough in its story to do real jokes). Im gonna try for 3-4 updates a month.other than that it is now almost november which means its time for me to begin my TZ-Christmas update. Like last year I want it to be a very large update to my website with new features, lots of new game demoes, and whatever else I can do.Im saving the next demo of surou for the TZ-C update, as well as the first Shock demo and a large Mas Presents update I just started. of course this doesnt mean i will stop updating everything. If anyone would give me suggestions for the TZ Particle generator I could update it.Random thing:Some idiot got all angry when a car barely tapped the back of theirs and stopped up traffic in front of my school right when school let out. There wasnt even a scratch on their car but they didnt care.
I like cream cheese.
I like it sometimes
Blue Moldy Cheese FTW.
Its strange how popular this old blog is…. XD
Its because it contains the power of cheese.
I will reap your cheese.this is the highest amount of comments on one of my blogs since late july o.0
never underestimate the power of cheeseBlue cheese sucks. Someone put it on excellent bread and the bread was ruined because of the blue cheese.
i thta cheese?