Kairuga Run/ Virg. Tech Opinion.

Posted by Kairos on April 17, 2007, 2:39 p.m.

This is a little vid of Kairuga if people want to know how I play it, so it doesn't look impossible; also, someone can attempt to top the score. I sure as heck didn't do a lot of things properly :P


In other news.

School today, discussed the killings in Virg. Tech.

What I heard from the teachers was some rant about violent video games. Naturally, I was flabbergasted.

I had done a speech a year ago trying to endorse the fact that violent video games tend to increase aggression and harmful behavior; also with a list of incidents that occurred and the noob who studied all this information.

And I thought it was silly. The only thing really making people kill other people because they were playing "violent video games" is that they suddenly became insane, or given other past history that affected them. This idiot was like one out of millions of people who play FPS games daily, and then they're like "ohh, don't play these death simulators because they will make you kill someone…". "Death Simulators" I've heard so many times I've almost always cracked up everytime I heard it. It's a FREAKING GAME. They were made for entertainment, what can you expect? Why are some of my teachers like "You can play this starcraft game but no counter-strike, please." There's an equal amount of violence in both; even though one is based toward strategy and one is based on instinct and pure aiming skill. Marines in Starcraft have guns; why not take the game away? Lots of blood in Starcraft, even more so than some FPSes. Wow, some teachers have never played any of these games and think they know the cause behind shooting people. Games are media. They can't be eliminated anyhow; there are other cases besides games with the same kind of stupidity based on them, like TV, books (Catcher in the Rye, a major controversial book, associated with a murder of John Lennon by Mark Chapman because he believed the book told him to do so) And you get the idea. People are too stupid for their own good sometimes.


Xxypher 17 years, 10 months ago

Oh i beet Ikaruga!

It was hard as hell

frenchcon1 17 years, 10 months ago

This 'violent games makes you violent' theory is full of shit.

Its absolute bollocks- i believe that shoot 'em ups actually LOWER violence-especially when peopel take it all out on their TV screens XD

Requiem 17 years, 10 months ago

Yeah. It's like saying Risk is a terrible board game because it teaches children to attempt world conquest.

Tasm 17 years, 10 months ago

No, Risk is a terrible board game because it takes 6 months to complete one game. XD

WaleedAmer 17 years, 10 months ago


Heh, Jake, nice avatar.

Kariuga is sexy as DesertFox's blue ears.(Trust me, that's as sexy as things get)

sk8m8trix 17 years, 10 months ago

Nice new avy Jake. We had a intruder drill yesterday before Virgina Tech shootings. We totally fucking jinxed them >_>… And we shouldn't play resident evil because its hateful towards deranged European killer zombies, Right? What will those people say when Sparta invades? "oh fuck how dose we shoot teh gun?" (well it wouldn't help any way because Spartans fucking pwn)

Wow, I have no idea what I'm saying anymore.

Xxypher 17 years, 10 months ago

This is madness!