This is a blog.

Posted by Kamira on Feb. 11, 2007, 6:29 p.m.

Yup. It's the truth.

I have a movie review due tomorrow, and guess what movie I'm doing it on?


Only the best movie in the world.

Hopefully, a minute after making this blog will get me a new badge! Only 3 more hits left. Don't aim those hits at me, punch Bob799 instead.

Today in runescape(any bad comment about it will be deleted; I don't care what you think of the game) and I had finally saved enough money to buy an obsidian cape, so I tell my friend Gamefortress that I would buy one from him, but he didn't have one.

So, I went to a crowded world, and eventually, I found people selling obby capes. Since I only had 250k, and most people were wanting 260k, I was in trouble, but I would not give up. Then I went to trade with this one guy, who also wanted 260k, and I told him I only had 250k, so I started walking away when he traded me again, and that time, I had the obby cape(I actually had an extra 100k in my bank, but that's a secret).

So Gamefortress logs back on shortly after that, so I tell him the news. Through the whole time, I was wearing a ring of charos(a)(Which if you don't know, it makes it to where you can convince NPCs to do stuff) I told Gamefotress that, "I used the ring of charos on him," but it took a while for him to get the joke.

Me: I finally got an obby cape!

Gamefotress: Sweet

Me: It's because I was wielding the ring of charos

Gamefotress: Wait, how and where did you get it

Me: I bought it with money at Camelot….

Gamefotress: Then..wait….Oh that's a joke isn't it?

Me: Took you long enough

Anyway, enough of MMORPGs. In my backyard found this weird pipe, which Had been laying somewhere for as long as I could remember. It was around 5 feet long. I start trying to break it, but it was VERY strong. I was throwing bricks at it. So, after toturing it, I notice a bit of it coming off. I attached it to the fence, and started pulling. To my surprise, it started unwinding, like a spiral. Eventually, it got to be VERY long, after unwinding it. But now I have no clue what to do with it…

Finally, a long blog [:)]


s 18 years ago


Kamira 18 years ago


Edit: Thank you 1500 viewer

god 18 years ago


1500!!! hey u didn't get a badge.

Nvm there it is. Congradulations its a boy!

Crane-ium 18 years ago

No, this is NOT a blog.

Also, I LOVE SPACEBALLS!!! That is one of the best movies of all time. It is a classic comedy. Ok, nice badge…I guess.

Polystyrene Man 18 years ago


Only the best movie in the world.
Actaully, 2001: A Space Odyssey is the best movie in the world. Spaceballs is up there, though.

Kamira 18 years ago

Cranegames, for being the first person to say they love spaceballs(other than me) You get to be on my friends list!

s 18 years ago

I saw it once,mainly StarWars though…and a few trekys.Seriously,HitchHiker'sGuide is so much better.But ya,SpaceBalls was first so I guess it gets pioneer points.

Amarin 18 years ago

I'm not gonna say anything about Runescape.

Radnom_Games 18 years ago

Har har, Spaceballs was great. Combing the desert. Oh the puns.

Classic parody.

DesertFox 18 years ago

Robin Hood: Men in Tights! Space Balls! History of the World! Blazing Saddles!