Is this world of our's crazy or WHAT!?

Posted by Kamira on April 14, 2007, 11:01 a.m.

Uhh yeah….weird things keep happening.


I've been learning random things in random classes, like:

In band, we learned there were gangsters in the 20s

In english we went to go see some donkeys(no lie)

Once again in band, we listened to a song that we are playing and it had a ton of cussing, and it's just a good thing the principal didn't walk in.

Anyway, lunch was weird yesterday. This kid got pwned. He points at his eye and says "ugh theres a bump on my face I might stab it…" So the kid next to him pushes on his elbow and his finger that he was pointing with stabbed his eye. So anyway, the kid who sat next to the kid who got his eye stabbed was playing with his water bottle when it smacks into the stabbed eye kid's face, so he grabs the water bottle and chucks it. then someone just said "It'd be funny if someone acted like they were going to hit you, and you ducked and hit your head on the table." So the kid looks down, sees there's pudding on his trey, and covers it with his hand so his face doesn't go spalt in it, but instead some kid smacked his hand right in the pudding and his hand got covered in it, and there were no napkins…..

Anyway, back to the messed up world.

Yesterday, the Earth forgot how the weather is supposed to be like. this big line of severe storms were coming, and all of a sudden we here constant *tink* noises, so I look out the window and it looks like someone in a plane dropped 1 million white bouncy balls in our yard. It was hail. It would hit the grass, bounce up like 5 feet, then hit the ground and stopped. Once it all stopped, I found out one of the hail peices was 2 inches long!

Now I know I haven't blogged in a month, but I mainly blame Bob799 for reasons that I will not tell. Oh, and Halo is fun.


Shortly after this blog I will have 2000 views. cool, huh? Anyway, I need one more friend for a new badge! come on, I'm not your enemies, so what is there left to be? A friend!

Anyway, that reminds me. I'm kind of good at juggling a water bottle. But realy. Who juggles water bottles!? Only drunk people and me. Maybe Pobble-Wobble.

OH! I was at my friends house, playing Halo, when all of a sudden I thought ! thought I heard ColumnsX…..But nope. It wasn't Collumns, but It had the jewels and noises and all that…He said it was a game called "bejewelled"….


chiggerfruit 17 years, 10 months ago

Why is there supposed to be a winter noreaster tomorrow in the month of April? I know: cuz we drill holes in Alaska, neglect our carbon emissions, and flashback touches himself at night.

Kamira 17 years, 10 months ago

He does!?

Kamira 17 years, 10 months ago

Noobs try so hard to be nooby, yet they don't try half as hard to do anything good.

Nighthawk 17 years, 9 months ago

N00BZ! [:O]

Pobble-Wobble 17 years, 9 months ago

the Earth forgot how the weather is supposed to be like.
That was a great line.

*removes from friend list* muahahahahaha!

Kamira 17 years, 9 months ago

If I updated the weather from after this blog, this blog would be much weirder.