Part 2 of 4 of "the classic"

Posted by Kanelbullen on Nov. 8, 2007, 1:10 p.m.


This will be a short blog becauseI need to go and eat something…

Today I made part 2 of 4 of "The Classic" in swedish Klassikern.

The classic is a thing we make every year if you want. It's 1 mile running, 1 KM swimming, 1.2 miles skiing and 2.2 miles cykling(bikingor what you call it).

I've made the running and the swimming.

Today I made the swimming.

After that we came home to the school and had lunch. Aftr that we had naturalscience.

And after that we walked 3.3 Km.

Then we had english and left the school.

In the morning i walked like 700m and after school 1km from and to the bus. Diferent stations ^^

When I came home i studdied in 1 hour.

After that I left my home for training.

I trained handball for 1h and 30 minutes and left home again.

And here I am…

But now I have to make something to eat, cya!


kikko fergae 17 years, 3 months ago

Make a pie; a blueberry pie…

Grand-High Gamer 17 years, 3 months ago

Cycling? swap the "k" for a "c" (although it's still pronounced the same. English is hard.).

Kanelbullen 17 years, 3 months ago

^^^Not now…

But I'll bake something soon beause 18/11 it's my birthday