Guess what?!

Posted by Kaz on Dec. 5, 2006, 9:23 p.m.

I'm on my new sexy laptop! It came at about 8pm. I already got alot of what I need as in programs. Holy shit, FF is fixing my errors! Anyway I got FF(duh), Windows Blinds, WinAmp, AIM, LeechGet, Smart FTP, and Windows messenger. But on Windows messenger it says I have no contacts, I guess my contacts on MSN don't stay?

Anyway, with Blinds I customized the windows a bit.

<img src=''>

That blue circle on top spins as well as the start bar one [:D]

Crap, I forgot to download Limewire…

I haven't noticed any lag yet, which is new for me. Though I'm going to test it out on some games and large programs when I get the chance. Oooo yea, I have to install all that software I have on that cd…

Oh yea, if someone can find me a cool blue abstract wallpaper, please post it. I'm lacking one.


Arcalyth 18 years, 2 months ago

Really Kaz? How do you store all your gay porn school projects?

aeron 18 years, 2 months ago
DFortun81 18 years, 2 months ago


Firebird 18 years, 2 months ago

I've got a sweet blue abstract wallpaper. Actually, two. I'll post them later.

Elusid 18 years, 2 months ago

Sweet :) yeah I have windowblinds and I love it :) I have this really cool skin that I'll post at some point. Any ways here are some abstract BGs. The first one I made from scratch and the second is an edit from a pic I found on the net :)

<a href="">abstract 1</a>

<a href="">abstract 2</a>

RhysAndrews 18 years, 2 months ago

Ah damn you Kaz, you and your 256mB gfx card - mines 128.
I'm sick of people thinking that video memory determines the overall quality of your video card. I have an X700SE… its' crap, but it has 512MB of Video Memory. I mean, Kaz, your video card is probably 3 times as good as mine, and it has half the Vid Memory. Vid Memory does very little, so it's stupid saying "leik omg u suckx0r coz my vid card is 256 lol n00b"… though, luckily DesertFox is a little less 1337sp34k than most.



chiggerfruit 18 years, 2 months ago



New Laptop=Sweet.

OL 18 years, 2 months ago

Quote: Rhys
'm sick of people thinking that video memory determines the overall quality of your video card. I have an X700SE… its' crap, but it has 512MB of Video Memory. I mean, Kaz, your video card is probably 3 times as good as mine, and it has half the Vid Memory. Vid Memory does very little, so it's stupid saying "leik omg u suckx0r coz my vid card is 256 lol n00b"… though, luckily DesertFox is a little less 1337sp34k than most.

To expand on that, the important specifications of a graphics card are the GPU model, GPU clock speed, amount of memory, memory clock speed, amount of pipelines and shaders (there are others but these are in my eyes the most important to look at).

The memory of the card in no way specifies how fast the card is (it's just a marketing ploy).

The amount of memory is important though, as generally the more the card has the higher resolution textures you can use.

Elusid 18 years, 2 months ago

:) let me expand on this



New Laptop=Sweet."



New Desktop>New Laptop

(my opinions any ways)

Kaz 18 years, 2 months ago

How do you store all your gay porn school projects?
Lots of floppy disks.

Cool but I don't like the graniness.

@ Rhys:

Awesome, that was the best graphics card I could get for this laptop.

@ Chigger:

I use Limewire for music. Anything else I use BitTorrent.

I'll reply to anything else when I get home. I'm at school now.