Movies, Music, Games, Noob

Posted by Kaz on Jan. 3, 2007, 7:23 p.m.


I got 2 new movies last night and just watched them. The Covenant and The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy was….odd, funny though. I guess I have to read the book to understand it completely because some things just didn't make sense. Still good though.

The Covenant was alright, cool effects and all. Not much else to say =/


I found a band I like, 30 Seconds to Mars. Yeah they're not new, some of their songs are from 2003, but I found them a few days ago while visiting a radio blog posted by REZ. I like them and have 8 of their songs so far.

<a href=''>Battle of One</a>


I downloaded a mod for Oblivion that made tons of new monsters and made the ai smarter somehow. Now I gte my ass kicked more than usual. But its worth it since it adds new items.

In the mod it adds more enemies, and sometimes they start fighting with each other. I once saw a 5v5 battle with mages, archers, and warriors, it was awesome.


Usually I find noobs on the GMC, but this noob was stupid enough to actually IM me on AIM. This noob is pookasnooks on 64D. Heres the convo for your viewing enjoyment(skip if you don't like swearing).

Quote: Convo 1
Ultracode2001 (7:54:05 PM): I am Pookasnooks, hear me roar. I am Pookasnooks the walking dinosour.

XxGod of PS2xX (7:54:20 PM): k

Ultracode2001 (7:54:44 PM): ur a poo face

XxGod of PS2xX (7:54:51 PM): um

Ultracode2001 (7:55:13 PM): yea u suk n ur dum u dont no netin aboot gm cept dat u suk ass

Ultracode2001 signed off at 7:55:21 PM
By this time he blocked me. I suck at GM, wow. Wonder where that puts him. So I got on my other account and prepared a nice speech with Shadow Yoshi for him.

Quote: Convo 2
JKaz003 (8:01:33 PM): hey fuckface

yes, I suck at gm, just as much as you suck your dads cock

hey, while your down there, why dont you rip your dads dick off and shove it up your ass

also, your friend kafei, is retarded, make sure you tell him this


Ultracode2001 (8:02:11 PM): I already have done that

Ultracode2001 (8:02:18 PM): but at least i dont suk like u

Ultracode2001 (8:02:25 PM): ur a fukin retard on the forums

JKaz003 (8:02:36 PM): lol

Ultracode2001 (8:02:37 PM): every1 finks u r a right dumfuk

JKaz003 (8:02:50 PM): and that sentance totally proves you right

Ultracode2001 (8:03:06 PM): ur such a retard that u have multiple aim names

JKaz003 (8:03:14 PM): ahahahaha

Ultracode2001 (8:03:19 PM): No I thought Id speak like you to make you feel cliked

Ultracode2001 (8:03:21 PM): *liked

Ultracode2001 (8:04:14 PM): One request, keep your dumbfuck comments to yourself

JKaz003 (8:04:32 PM): sorry, i dont take suggestions from noobs

Ultracode2001 (8:04:53 PM): Take a look at yourself

Ultracode2001 (8:05:01 PM): Funny how that was the first word you reached for

JKaz003 (8:05:07 PM): and im a noob how?

Ultracode2001 (8:05:09 PM): Look at your comments on the forum

Ultracode2001 (8:05:21 PM): You will soon realise how stupid you look

JKaz003 (8:05:46 PM): yes, my comments look like this-"how do i make a guy jump????1?!!?11

Ultracode2001 (8:06:02 PM): No…

JKaz003 (8:06:07 PM): you will soon realize youre a moron

Ultracode2001 (8:06:13 PM): They are actually more intelligent

JKaz003 (8:06:20 PM): damn

Ultracode2001 (8:06:30 PM): Please don't start copying phrases

JKaz003 (8:06:50 PM): please dont start breathing again

Ultracode2001 (8:06:50 PM): You know what

JKaz003 (8:07:08 PM): no, what?

Ultracode2001 (8:07:23 PM): Everyone thinks you are a retard, even a "noob" like me so just stop digging yourself a bigger hole.

JKaz003 (8:07:48 PM): hmmm lets ask some people

Ultracode2001 (8:08:26 PM): Yeah go ask your mom

Ultracode2001 (8:08:29 PM): Also if you continue to post, please at least put 30 seconds thought into them.

Ultracode2001 signed off at 8:08:50 PM.
He blocked this account. Little does he know I have more accounts. Too bad he actually signed off though.

If you feel like it, feel free to flame the shit out of him when hes on AIM. I will be grateful.


Anyone know a useful VB help site? I would like to learn but I can't find anything useful.


Pobble-Wobble 18 years, 1 month ago

One word describes him better than retard; it's hypocrite.


I have a speculation why. I'll leave it open to interpretation, though.

Damn! If I was him, thank god i'm not, I would get cancer and fall into a volcano.
blueboy demonstrates what it's like to walk in one other's shoes.

Kaz 18 years, 1 month ago

@ penguin dude

Oh nothing too bad. Just make him realize hes a complete jackass.

Hopefully he reads this blog.

I have a speculation why. I'll leave it open to interpretation, though.
Numerous reasons, though mainly because I kick ass.

Kaz 18 years, 1 month ago

Quote: MSN convo with REZ
Monsieur Clay says:

Big walking purple child molesting bisexual dick head dinosour

blueBX 18 years, 1 month ago

blueboy demonstrates what it's like to walk in one other's shoes.

Yep and it's not easy. Talking to a noob is like talking to the wall. Sorry wall, didn't mean to insult you like that.

NeutralReiddHotel 18 years, 1 month ago

lol @ loser

Polystyrene Man 18 years, 1 month ago

I found a band I like, 30 Seconds to Mars.

Kaz 18 years, 1 month ago


Polystyrene Man 18 years, 1 month ago

I'm just… not a fan

Kaz 18 years, 1 month ago

Yea, they're not really mainstream.

Josea 18 years, 1 month ago

I only have one question….why do you even care about flaming that guy?

Morons don't deserve that kind of attention.