1.How would I get a random .swf file to play on my site? Ive tried a few things but none work. Heres what I came up with-
<a href="http://www.64digits.com/download.php?name=code.zip&id=3330">File</a>Couldnt post code…Nothing appears but a white box where the swf should be.2.How would I get a scrolling table on the side of my site? Like when you scroll down the page the table follows the scren on the left.
Try something like this:
(If your files are named 1.swf, 2.swf […] 5.swf.)[<]html[>][<]head[>][<]script type="text/javascript"[>]function random_swf (){ var number = Math.floor(Math.random()*5); //Change the 5 to however many swfs document.getElementById('my_swf').setAttribute('src', number+'.swf');}[<]/script[>][<]/head[>][<]body onload="random_swf()"[>][<]embed src="" quality="high" name="my_swf" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" /[>][<]/body[>][<]/html[>]That's just the basics of how it's done…I havn't tested it. And you'll have to clean up a lot of the stuff…And, yeah.Yea…I cant get it. If you can help please tell me what I did wrong. Heres my html fle and the 2 banners.
<a href="http://www.64digits.com/download.php?name=site.zip&id=3337">File</a>Hmmm, k, you had some stuff mixed up in your javascript there, but even after I fixed it, it still didn't work.
I guess dynamicaly setting an src of an embed doesn't work?Crap..
Anyone have anything for number 2?