Been a while, eh?

Posted by Kaz on Sept. 5, 2007, 8:10 p.m.

So it's been about a month since my last blog. Might as well update people on what the hell is going on.

So I got a job as a cashier at walmart. It sucks, I get $7.80 an hour and work shitty hours. Well, now that school has started I work like 10 hours a week, but whatever. I'm 1 out of 2 guy cashiers, other 20 or so are female, woo.

College started today. It also sucks.

8-9: History - Nobody likes history, 'nuff said

9-10: Microcomputer App - Learn to use word 2007, holy shit I so needed this

10-11: Psychology - Kinda interesting?

11-12: Precalc - I have no idea yet, I like math, but know nothing of the class

12-1: Lunch - Yum

1-2: Intro to writing - Apparently my writing skills are below college level

Due to the aforementioned things, my life has been very sad. I feel as though a new part of my life is starting, which I guess it is. I just don't want to let it go. Sarah has been worried lately because of this sadness, she actually stayed up all night worrying about me last night. And today was the first day of school for her too. I feel so bad about it. Earlier today I figured I have nothing to be sad about. I have an amazing girlfriend, have a job(no matter how much it sucks), and going to college. I should be happy right? I'm trying to convince myself to be happy, but things just come up that bring the sadness back. My friend isn't helping the situation either. He's been telling Sarah that I will stay for her if she does and that I'll miss my opportunity to do something great, such as going to a 4 year college. I planned on staying at this community college for 2 years to get my associates degree, but he just won't believe me. I just hate thinking that far ahead, thinking of what things I want, and what is right. Gah, a stupid combination of events led to all this.

On friday Sarah, me, and her family are going to Pennsylvania until Sunday for a lifting thing. So don't expect to hear from me then.

I know most of you won't care about any of this, but I felt like writing this all out. Not that it helped much.


DesertFox 17 years, 5 months ago

Awz… Poor Kaz… =/

sk8m8trix 17 years, 5 months ago

Dude, you totally forgot to mention what happened with sarah. Im not going to mention it.

Requiem 17 years, 5 months ago

Calculus: Math that's so hardcore, there's a whole course devoted to preparing you for how hardcore it is.

Polystyrene Man 17 years, 5 months ago

I'm 1 out of 2 guy cashiers, other 20 or so are female, woo.
If you weren't working at Wal Mart, I'd think you were crazy to not be excited about all those girls.

Kaz 17 years, 5 months ago

Dude, you totally forgot to mention what happened with sarah. Im not going to mention it.
Yeah, I'm not going to either. Anyone who does is getting their post deleted.

Calculus: Math that's so hardcore, there's a whole course devoted to preparing you for how hardcore it is.
Haha, yep.

If you weren't working at Wal Mart, I'd think you were crazy to not be excited about all those girls.
I can never look at another girl like that as long as I have Sarah.

shawn 17 years, 5 months ago


nuff said

Kaz 17 years, 5 months ago

Alright well I told Sarah how I felt and now I feel much better. She's still worried about something though. Her past relationships have been really bad, and she expects that there should be something wrong in ours so she makes up things in her head. At least thats how she explained it to me. But things are looking up I suppose.

basilamer 17 years, 5 months ago


Acid 17 years, 5 months ago

I'm glad you seem to be feeling better man…

Kaz 17 years, 5 months ago

Yep, we both had a good day. She's enjoying school and I'm just not thinking much, which is a good thing.