Yeah so I'm back from Penn. If you read my last blog, you saw that I was sad over stuff. Well not anymore, so don't worry(not like any of you have any reason to be worried in the first place, but whatever).
Anyway like I said, I'm back from Penn. It took about 8 hours to get there, well we had to pick someone who was a bit out of the way. Yeah so 8 hours on a bus with my girlfriend and her family, awesome stuff. We went to a town called Beaver Creek or some backwoods town, I don't know. We went for a lifting meet, not that any of us lifted really. I don't actually know why we went down, but oh well. The meet was kinda boring, as I expected, but I only really went to be with Sarah the whole weekend. We stayed at a camp where all the adults got drunk and me and Sarah spent some time watching the stars [:D] Then we fell asleep holding each others hands(I was on the floor, her on the couch). The next day we left, another 8 hour ride. And oh what an interesting ride it was. I got a new nickname, Sissy Tits, for laughing like a girl while Sarah was tickling me. Then her sister messed it up and called me Sexy Tits [:P] We were under a blanket the whole ride so…yeah. Fun weekend indeed.<b>School</b><hr>History:I have to write a 10 page research paper on a controversial issue from the colonial days until the 1860s. I'm thinking of doing Roanoke, the colony that completely died out, at least I think that was the name of that colony. I've watched a few things on it and it seemed pretty interesting to me.Microcomputer App:The other day we learned how to resize a window AND maximize the window. I was like holy shit, this is way too much information to learn in one day. Then the internet went out so the teacher decided to blame his flash drive. I mean, it was obviously the reason for having THE ENTIRE ROOMS INTERNET SHUT OFF.Today we learned what the difference between a .jpg, .txt, and .doc was. I nearly ripped my eyes out from this amount of knowledge. I was so overwhelmed, I make a color changing website and a text based game in JS. Fuck this class.Precalc:Reviewing algebra, woo.Intro to writing:Kinda fun actually. We do things that aren't just writing, like acting out creation myths. You know, myths about how the world was created in different cultures.<b>Ogame</b><hr>Yes I still play. I<s>'ll</s> have battlecruisers <s>in 10 hours</s> and Destroyers by the end of the week.
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Was Roanoke the one with the famous tree carving?
Actually, I go to college right up the road from the highschool and I see her nearly everyday.
You're learning more in your computer class than we are. We're learning how to use a keyboard. Aster and I finish within the first five minutes of the period, so we get that hour to just screw around.
Thats a different class actually.