The Life of a Cashier

Posted by Kaz on July 6, 2008, 4:28 p.m.

I'm sure not many of you will find this particularly interesting, but I decided to write something about work.

As a cashier employed by one of the biggest corporations in the world, Walmart, I see many people throughout the day. Some of these people have hope in life, the majority of others don't sadly.

For example, the credit card machines. I don't know how it works in your area, but here if you have a credit card, you swipe it at a little machine by the register, sign your name, then hit ok. Simple enough right? For some people the answer is a huge no. I had one lady ask what button to press after she signed, clear or ok. The obvious answer is "ok". Afterwords she said "On some machines you hit 'ok', on some you hit 'clear', I never know which one to press". Now tell me if I'm wrong, but has the meaning of "clear" changed at all? Sure she was an older lady, but the meaning of "clear" hasn't changed since the creation of computers. Common sense works wonders.

Another problem I see too frequently is how parents deal with children. If a child cries enough, they'll get what they want. Kids are too spoiled nowadays. If I wanted to get something, I had to do something around the house and then I got rewarded. I didn't cry until I got what I wanted.

Speaking of kids, parents just don't care enough about them. One lady had her baby crawling on the floor by the lightbulbs. Since people are inherently clumsy, many lightbulbs get broken a day in that area and not all the glass can be cleaned up. So would having a baby crawl around where broken glass might be be a smart idea? Who the hell would you let their kid on the ground anywhere in a store like that anyway? Irresponsible parents.

Being a large store, some items get misplaced by other customers and associates may not spot them right away. Due to this, people think that things are different prices than what they area. When these people get to a register and find that their item is not the price they saw, they have a huge fit. If you don't like the price, then too bad. People make mistakes and/or people are too lazy to put things back.

Another fun things today. I was near the jewelry counter and a woman wanted to get her granddaughters ear pierced. The associate there told her kindly that only legal guardians(mother/father) can approve it, this is NY State law by the way. Outraged, the woman demanded to see the manager. Apparently the woman didn't see that on the associates badge, it said "Department Manager". So the store manager came up and told her the same thing, she left.

I can't think of anymore things that piss me off at work. I hate people.


Kaz 16 years, 7 months ago

Haha, I'd have more fun if that happened at work.