Because RC said so

Posted by Kaz on Oct. 5, 2009, 1:18 p.m.

I'm making a blog! Also because I have an hour until my next class and am sitting in the cafeteria with nothing to do.

So, I've been at college for about 2 months now, mid terms were last week. Which is awesome since it feels like I've barely been here. If nobody remembers, I'm going for Web Dev. I'm in a program called MSCEI which allows students to work for real businesses and make money off of it. Since I'm in the Web Dev major, I'm making websites in teams for actual customers, which is awesome for a portfolio. I'm also making $10 an hour(I work as much as I want), which is pretty awesome. I'm probably going to minor in Game Dev since that is my other area of interest if I can, if not I'm going to take a few classes just because.

In my life, well, since I live at college, school=life. But apart from school, I see my girlfriend a few times a month when I go home on the weekends. She's still hot, etc.

I started C++ game development on my own with something called DarkGDK. All it really does is handle sprite loading and actual visual elements, everything else is your own C++ code. I feel like its the next step after becoming bored with GM, feels like its almost like how the pros do it. Of course, its probably not at all and I'm just thinking that XD

Hey, at least my games are under 1mb and can handle 10,000 objects on screen without lagging =D

I leave you with T-Pain and Obama:


sirxemic 15 years, 4 months ago

Okay, I have to agree, that tag can be bitchy sometimes, but I am pretty sure you used it wrong this time.

You use it like this:


ATOGAMES 15 years, 4 months ago

The tag is evil….

you're using Darkbasic? Or just the GDK?

Kaz 15 years, 4 months ago

Its a GDK built off of Darkbasic(the commands and stuff), but the language is C++.

Toast 15 years, 4 months ago

Hehehe. I like the vid. Silly noob.

Ferret 15 years, 4 months ago

Good vid. Get into C++, it puts smiles on faces. Web Dev, good business.

Kaz 15 years, 4 months ago

Its a GDK built off of Darkbasic(the commands and stuff), but the language is C++.