Kaz - Game Jam

Posted by Kaz on Jan. 31, 2010, 8:42 p.m.

Along with sirXemic, I also entered the GGJ this year with my girlfriend as my artist(she made everything good looking). It was going well, we had a decent concept for a game and went home to sleep. We came back the next day the we couldn't execute it ell enough so we dropped the idea and didn't know what to do for a while. I came up with a new idea shortly after and we created it in no time(~12 hours). I wished we could have worked on it more and created a longer, more in-depth game, but I'm really happy with what we finished with. Perhaps I'll create a sequel in the future since I do like the concept and playing it is fun even though I've beaten it so many times.


Alterobot is a fast paced action platformer where you must use quick reflexes to obtain the data chip at the end of each level. That's it. There's 5 levels and can be beaten pretty quickly if you have quick reflexes…or just played it so much like me.

Download Page

Game Jam Page

Showcase Page

BTW here's all the Mt Dew from the weekend:

Mt Dew Pic


Juju 15 years ago

Which pansy drank the coke?

Ferret 15 years ago


Grand-High Gamer 15 years ago
Kaz 15 years ago

Ahahahah I'm not sure who drank the coke. I wasn't in the room with the big team so I didn't see much of them.

Here is the other game that got completed at our location:

Traps: The Spanish Adventurer

twisterghost 15 years ago

My staff mentor is one of the heads of the GGJ

Kaz 15 years ago

Now listed in the showcase:


Alert Games 15 years ago

also, hi.