I love mods

Posted by Kaz on Aug. 16, 2006, 11:14 p.m.

So I decided to take a break from working on my site and help some noobs on GMC. I saw a topic about particles so I though, hey Im good with particles, lets help him. It turns out he wanted to do collisions with particles. So I said, in not so few words, you cant. So he replies saying dont you want to learn how to? And Im like…you cant, noone can. And then he replies saying other crap.

<a href='http://forums.gamemaker.nl/index.php?showtopic=235121'>Topic</a>

So finally tempest comes in and says Im right, theres no way to do it in GM. Thank god for mods and their power over all.

Oh yea, he sent me a bunch of pms about how I was keeping knowledge to myself and trying to be better than everyone(not arguing there). But I would of helped if I could.

In other news my site is coming along, slowly, but it is looking good. It has alot of new things that the old one didnt like download counters, a poll, my blog. If you want to see the awesome design by own very own Chiggerfuit <a href='http://pendarenstudios.byethost24.com/index.php'>click here.</a> Some pages arent done and some are being worked on so some things might not work. Oh and Im still waiting for Chigger to make another page for the suggestions, download, and other small pages. All data(downloads, hits, poll) will be deleted when the site is officially released. You may notice large gaps in some pages, Chigger was lazy and didnt want to fix it.

Oh and Im leaving for NJ this sunday. Ill be gone till the 25th or something.


Hootiehoo 18 years, 6 months ago

"Noone" isn't a word.
Thank you… Even though I have had so much fun laughing at people who say 'noone'.

Kaz 18 years, 6 months ago

Yay for critisizing 1 spelling mistake in my blog!

WaleedAmer 18 years, 6 months ago

lol. i live in NJ too