<font size=3>If you were warned because of FSX's file manager, feel free to post here saying so and I will get rid of it.</font>
You know <a href=
http://64digits.com/users/index.php?userid=twisterghost&cmd=comments&id=9798>Twisterghost's contest</a>, right? Well… as I said, I'm entering. Me and Ludamad have narrowed down the fight between us two, and let me tell you, ludamad's game is pretty good, but so is mine.
<fieldset><legend>Tower Climber is:</legend>
A simple platformer consisting of true nes style graphics.A very challenging gameHas 6 levels that should average at 5 minutes a pieceHas a main char who people say looks like megaman. (Only reason why is because he has blue and his animations were inspired by rock man >_>)</fieldset>An old screen shows this:
<fieldset><legend>What I plan on adding:</legend>A plethora of dangers, including enemies that have no IQ.(Done)Ladders and ropes to climb (Ladders done)Scenery(Partially done)Ducking, sliding, and climbing animations for main char.A working demo with the first level included.</fieldset>I should have a demo in… one or two days.Oh, and to no suprise, PLatformed was delayed for christmas time.<center><blink><i>OH TEH NOES</i>Platformed Delay</blink></center>~Kenon
I'm also in it. :O I might kick ur ass. :O
I luv flashing text.
I luv retro games.
Ghosty is still more complicated. :P