Posted by Kenon on Dec. 1, 2006, 7:55 p.m.

Yeah. Story in short. I'm taking the SAT tomorrow at.. 9 am I think.

Story in long:

The SAT is the ultimate test, designed specifically for half of my brain…. until they added in the essay section. Now it's only 1/3rd. Anyways…

On to the past. First time I took trhe SAT was back when it was graded along the 1600 rubrik. I scored 1190 (I beat Mrpacman =O) on it, 680 in the math, 510 in english. Since then, I have actually gotten about 2 times as keen in math as I was back then, so I am shooting for 750-800 in math this time around. English should be around a 550-650 for me, and the essays… No clue. That could be any range.

ON a side note, Mrpacman beat me oon the englishpart, and he lives near mexico?!?!?!??!

Oh well.. by the time I'm in 12th grade, say hello to 800 on the math!

Now time for a Poll (Or two)

Have you taken the SAT?

1. Yes

2. No

3. What are you talking about?

If you took the SAT, was the essay part hard?

1. It was very hard.

2. Pretty hard, but not too hard.

3. About average

4. It was quite easy.

5. A monkey with a typewriter could score 800 on it.

6. I haven't taken the SAT.

7. Ok, now I am confused…. What is this SAT you are talking about?

EDIT: this time, I'm bringing out the scientific calculator. I'll need it. Last time I brought a piece of shit dollar calculator.

EDIT 2: When me and Mrpacman took it, we were 7th graders.


Cesar 18 years, 3 months ago

Keep in mind we were in 7th grade, SJF ;)

omicron1 18 years, 3 months ago

Heh - I have you beat by a long shot.

(taken in 11th grade - once.)

760-780 scores on both the Math and Reading sections; a perfect 12/12 on the essay section. (total in the 2300s.)

Poll answers:

1. 1

2. 4

Kenon 18 years, 3 months ago

Ok. Good. I thought the essays might be hard. Thank you omicron for that answer.

omicron1 18 years, 3 months ago

Of course, I might just be good at writing - I don't know. I recently wrote an entire research paper in two hours, so…

Cesar 18 years, 3 months ago

Also, I got a low score in math (kinda, to me, yes) because I didn't know we could skip, so I just answered all the problems *cries*

Kaz 18 years, 3 months ago


3-I got like 530 on it, and I suck and essays.

This was on the 2400 one btw.

Too bad theres no science on the SAT, I would do alot better if there was. I think theres science on the ACT though.

Rob 18 years, 3 months ago


Cesque 18 years, 3 months ago

After reading that I conclude SAT is something you take to join X-Men school or something. Good luck.