Kenon is back.

Posted by Kenon on Dec. 19, 2006, 10:17 p.m.

Yes…. We finally fixed the internet problems by getting a new router. It's been a hard few days for me, without 64digits.

But what's this? I came back to find 64digits recovering from Chaos and Turmoil. As I said to Arcalyth,

Quote: MSN Convo
[22:07] [GOLD]The Kenomod-Slayer of Due Dates: You know what I find wierd?

[22:07] [GOLD]The Kenomod-Slayer of Due Dates: The days I'm not on 64digits are the days that all hell breaks loose there.
I've had thoughts of leaving, but this proves it. 64digits needs me.

I guess you could blame the problems on me sorta for being without internet and for not really understanding what the limit on blogs should be. In my opinion, if I can edit a blog and it takes up the entire textarea, I feel like it's ok.

Anyways, I'll keep a vigilant eye out on 64digits. No rulebreaker will be unpunished from here on out.



NeutralReiddHotel 18 years, 2 months ago

I was wondering why you weren't on. XP

Welcome back…?

Arcalyth 18 years, 2 months ago

[22:59/21] -][Љřςλļўŧђ][-: and canada has nothing to do with it >:[ (chugs maple syrup, eh?)

[23:00/19] Kenon: Canada has alot to do with the hierarchy of 64digits.

Arcalyth 18 years, 2 months ago

[22:59/21] -][Љřςλļўŧђ][-: and canada has nothing to do with it >:[ (chugs maple syrup, eh?)

[23:00/19] Kenon: Canada has alot to do with the hierarchy of 64digits.

[23:16/22] Kenon: bye

[23:16/29] -][Љřςλļўŧђ][-: bye

[23:16/39] Kenon: bye?

[23:16/39] *** Auto-response sent to Kenon: Asleep and/or at school.

[23:16/48] Kenon: Why did you say bye?

[23:16/54] -][Љřςλļўŧђ][-: bed

[23:17/03] Kenon: You've said taht twice

[23:17/06] Kenon: *that

[23:20/31] -][Љřςλļўŧђ][-: lol beddybye

[23:20/47] -][Љřςλļўŧђ][-: lol internet

[23:20/52] Kenon: time number 3

[23:21/07] -][Љřςλļўŧђ][-: lol potatomuffin

[23:21/20] Kenon: Are you high?

[23:21/35] -][Љřςλļўŧђ][-: lol no

[23:21/35] Kenon: Are you even arcalyth?

[23:21/38] -][Љřςλļўŧђ][-: lol yes

[23:22/13] -][Љřςλļўŧђ][-: *plays with 64digits code* osnap it asploded

[23:22/30] Kenon: >_> I'm not buying that.

Dr_Eechmen 18 years, 2 months ago

Howdy, welcome back. (I wish I could fix my computer's internet… I'm having to use my old computer, which resides on a shelf in my closet…)

blueBX 18 years, 2 months ago

Quote: From MSn convo:Arcalyth
*plays with 64digits code* osnap it asploded

That just made my day.

aeron 18 years, 2 months ago

Damn, I was hoping you were dead this time!


Graydon 18 years, 2 months ago

Aaron you shouldn't want Arcalyth to die, you have to have a reason to kill him.

Josea 18 years, 2 months ago

64d doesn't need you <_<


Cesar 18 years, 2 months ago

Damn, I was hoping your new router asploded as well <_<


canttouchthis30 18 years, 2 months ago

Quote: Kenon
Kenon is black

I seriously thought it said that