What is happening?

Posted by Kenon on Feb. 16, 2007, 5:04 p.m.

In my opinion, 64digits is going downhill. I can hardly visit without hissing at the lack of common sense and the more lax rules.

I'll take a leave for a while. I'll come back, but I'll be mostly inactive. I'll probably finish a demo of platformed while I'm gone, as long as no one pesters me about it.


OBELISK 18 years ago

It'll be sad to see Dodgebubble gain popularity and people give up on playing Platformed while you're gone :)

elmernite 18 years ago

It's a pity.

You seemed to be one of the better members. I understand why though, I only visit my blog and a few of my friend's for that reason.


blueBX 18 years ago

@Kenon: agree. I started going to GMClans. I might be active again once V3 comes out.

EDIT:nvm, something happened to GMClans so I guess I'll be active for a while.

frenchcon1 18 years ago

hmmm… i kinda agree with you there, keneggs.

Acid 18 years ago

Yeah. I remember when… *rambles about "the good ol' days"* :(