OK!Looks good.
pretty, but the tree/columns look meteal
Kenon put so much work TIME into it, it actually looks WEIRD
Is your avatar dude in the game? I don't really know anything about Platformed.
Ya,that tree needs work
Tree does look metal. O_o
This is the most evil bullshit ever…
No, really, with a passion. I do. Kinda.
XO You'll die for denying it's inner smexyness.
I'm Kenon.
OK!Looks good.
pretty, but the tree/columns look meteal
Kenon put so much
workTIME into it, it actually looks WEIRDIs your avatar dude in the game? I don't really know anything about Platformed.
Ya,that tree needs work
But it looks nice,don't know GamePlay though,so…Tree does look metal. O_o
Nice though.This is the most evil bullshit ever…
Haha. I hate you.No, really, with a passion. I do. Kinda.
Other than that… Interesting.Looks……..okay?
XO You'll die for denying it's inner smexyness.