Arcalyth blogs again!

Posted by Kenon on June 23, 2007, 8:17 p.m.

HAPPY 23RD!!!!!!!!!

This is the 4th5th6711th blog Arcalyth has made today!

Amazing, huh?

I've come to talk to you about my newest project so I can delay Evite!

It's called VANISHING.

A fan game based off of Vanish, I added in replica graphics, as well as some new features. Stationary blocks, hard blocks, cannons, choosable direction at beginning, and other nonsense that I probably don't need. PLus plenty of insults, including some about Pet rocks and Platformed.

What sets it apart from Vanish is the ONE move you have to make extra. You have to end up exactly where you started. Sounds easy, but it really isn't.

I'd show you a screen of it, but yeah… It's not too impressive at the moment.

I can't wait for Obelisk to comment about that. He's gonna love it.

In gaming news, Melee beat me at Pokemon. But my ponyta, named FirehorseX, beat his Dialga. Point and laugh. BWAHAHHAHAHAHHAH!


Oh, yeah. Quote of the day.

Quote: Frank; A 6 foot tall person in a demonic bunny rabbit costume
Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?


Shork 17 years, 8 months ago


s 17 years, 8 months ago

Awsome movie that was

Geez,the last thing you need to do is bog yourself down.Evite could be done pretty quickly,I'm quite sure(Besides 100lvs,which I assume you could get a few different thinking patterns if you stored levels externally,and had a level creating thing.Could easilly make the first line of the saves have a credits thing,which could be integrated into the game.Unless you want this to be 100% your own,in which case…this small note got a little out of hand,eh?)

V 17 years, 8 months ago

Lol. W/e Vanish is, have fun with that other thing. For a second there, I thought it said VANHELSING. XD

FireflyX 17 years, 8 months ago

What's with all the arc blogs?

aeron 17 years, 8 months ago

In gaming news, Melee beat me at Pokemon. But my ponyta, named FirehorseX, beat his Dialga. Point and laugh. BWAHAHHAHAHAHHAH!
Is that some sort of sick perverted metaphor or do you two actually still play pokemon?

Either way, shame on you.

aeron 17 years, 8 months ago

Actually I take that back, Pokemon actually makes a pretty good RPG… I'll admit that was obsessive over Yellow version back in the day…

shawn 17 years, 8 months ago

^What he said. Cept' I know you guys actually play poke'fag D:

melee-master 17 years, 8 months ago


In gaming news, Melee beat me at Pokemon. But my ponyta, named FirehorseX, beat his Dialga. Point and laugh. BWAHAHHAHAHAHHAH!

Yeah, after I killed like three of your dudes. =P

And by the way, the Pokemon RPGs kick ass. Tons of people still play them. A few of my friends do too.

OBELISK 17 years, 8 months ago

A fan game based off of Vanish, I added in replica graphics, as well as some new features. Stationary blocks, hard blocks, cannons, choosable direction at beginning, and other nonsense that I probably don't need.

Vanish 2 had all of that. [:(]

Quote: Frank the Rabbit
Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?
That movie really makes you think.

Lol. W/e Vanish is, have fun with that other thing. For a second there, I thought it said VANHELSING. XD
Vanish is my action/puzzle game famous for being hard. I remember you commenting on it…

Cesar 17 years, 8 months ago

Pokefag? And you claim to be japanese, most japanese people love Pokeman, that's why it came out there first >_>