Reflect Contest #2: I'm in.

Posted by Kenon on Oct. 3, 2007, 6:41 p.m.

The Topic:

As quoted if you're too lazy to click a link.

Quote: Reflect Forums
Reflect Games Presents - the very SECOND ever - Game in a Month Competition!

Welcome back everyone! It's time for the second Reflect Game in a Month Competition! As you probably noticed from before (unless you're new here), I've created a special section of the forum for these competitions, and though I encourage you to spend your time working on your entry, I also would like to facilitate discussion about what can be done, rules, prizes, judges, or anything else that pertains to the contest. You can also post your game in progress if you choose, but you might not want to give away what you're doing to your fellow competitors! Anyway, let's get to the competition!

The THEME for this competition will be FEAR!

· You can use this theme in any way you want, and you can create pretty much any type of game you want. I am not going to be strict about this, because if you can find an interesting way to implement the theme, then more power to you!

· The reference to Halloween is obvious, so you can definitely use it as a compliment to your theme… this is NOT mandatory, however!

RESTRICTIONS for this contest are as follows:

· Your game can use ONLY THE FOLLOWING KEYS: ENTER, ESC, and MOUSE (mouse buttons / wheel may also be used)

· There must be a way to exit the game

· Final entries (as zipped EXE files) may not exceed 20mb

· Entries may not include games from any previous competition


· You may enter as an individual or as a team, but a winning team will be awarded the same prize as an individual, so make sure you know how you're going to split things up!

· You may use any version of Game Maker to make your game, as well as any combination of DLL's

· No example / tutorial edits - the foundation of the game must be entirely yours (you can, of course, get help coding from others, from the GMC, etc.)

· Graphics and sounds do not have to be original

· Games do not have to be completed to be entered into the contest, but it is encouraged that they are

· You may not enter a game that you have worked on prior to the start of the competition

· You must be willing to submit the GM6, GMK, etc. in the event that there is question about the source of your code

· Judges will make the final call on all disputes

· Multiple entries are allowed, but you are encouraged to polish one game rather than enter two


· The contest will last from October 1 to October 31

· All entires must be ZIPPED EXE FILES and sent as a URL via PM to me (FredFredrickson) by midnight, October 31, 2007. You can host it however you like.


· I will be choosing judges during the month, and acting as a judge myself

· Anyone competing in the competition can not act as a judge

· You may volunteer to be a judge either via PM or by posting in this forum

· When the competition is over, the judges and I will play through your games and we will choose the ones that we feel are the best entries. These games will then be reviewed more thoroughly, and a winner will be decided.

· A poll be put to the community at some point, but that is not guaranteed

· Games will not be judged on how complete they are, but rather how fun they are, how well they follow the theme (or bend it to their will), how well the package fits together as a game, etc.

· Judges will assign points to each game based on certain characteristics which I will define to them as we get closer to the end of the contest. Final scores will be tallied and posted by me.


· First prize will be either a GM7 registration key (which I will purchase from YYG), or a gift card for iTunes, Amazon, or some other electronic store for no more than $20. As an added bonus, I'll also make you a nifty banner.

· Second prize is a nifty banner, proclaiming how close you got

· Third prize is the honor of almost getting a nifty banner

· All games that the judges felt deserved praise will be showcased on the front page of Reflect Games when the contest is over, and the top three will be featured much larger

· In the event that no entries are deemed worthy of obtaining a prize (you've got to try, after all), no prizes will be awarded, and the competition will go home, tail between it's legs

That pretty much wraps things up. Post any comments, questions, etc. you may have here or somewhere else in this section of the forum, and may the best game win!
I'm encouraging all of you to join this. With your help, it can become really large!

Polystrene Man entered last competition with Xotchl, which did pretty good. I wonder what else 64digits can do?

I'm entering this contest, even though I don't know if my idea represents Fear enough.

Yes, this means for all the beta testers, I'm delaying Platformed through this month. So I probably won't have a beta by then.

Oh, more PLatformed news. I'm actually writing a book for PLatformed. I currently have the epilogue and First Chapter almost laid out. I'm not revealing any details, but it is so far ok. Not impressive quite yet.

Ok, I'm off to work on my Fear Game.

Why does 64d's textbox have a scroller if it automatically stretches depending on how much you write?


aeron 17 years, 5 months ago

Good question.

Josea 17 years, 5 months ago

It seems interesting, I may get in, but given my record of never finished games….probably I won't make it.

blueBX 17 years, 5 months ago

I entered the first comp with Dividend. I might enter this one.

Castypher 17 years, 5 months ago

Yeah, I'm with Josea on this one. I'll join, but I probably will never finish.

And George, I've got my book coming before my game, too.

Midboss 17 years, 5 months ago

Hmm, fear… Got it! I'll just make a Windows Media Player lookalike. That should make people crap themselves. In all seriousness I'm not sure I could do anything within a month, but it sounds fun. Maybe I'll join another one when I don't already have something to work on and a blue hedgehog trying to keep me from working on it.

[deleted user] 17 years, 5 months ago

I think I might enter, I need motivation to finish something. Weird control-scheme, but I do have ideas.

stampede 17 years, 5 months ago

I started my arcade game for last Reflect Games' competition, but I never finished -_- If I just can get some nice idea, I might enter this one!

poultry 17 years, 5 months ago

LOL what a lame prize.

FredFredrickson 17 years, 5 months ago

Why is that lame?