Zombeez+Other Stuff

Posted by Kenon on Oct. 14, 2007, 1:46 a.m.

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</script><table width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="ms_font"><tr><td align="left"> <span class="mail_titles">Zombeez</span></td></tr></table><table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="ms_font"><tr><td align="left"><img src="http://64digits.com/games/4267/ZombeezFTPage.png" width="100" height="100" style="margin-right: 12px; float: left;" alt="" />Zombeez is Kenon's submission into Reflect Game's Second Game in a Month Competition and also REZ's Halloween Game Competiton. Since all the Videos and Screens I've released are not really impressive, simply because the game is best in action. This is the progress of 9 days, with 17 days as of writing this paragraph to release the game's completed version.

Anyways, Here's the controls, as I have not added in a Tutorial Menu yet.

Left Mouse Button: Use left power (Shown on top left HUD piece)

Right Mouse Button: Use right power (Shown on top right HUD piece)

Mouse Scroll: Switch between attack styles. (Only 4 right now)

Enter: Shows Score and FPS (Top of the screen)

Esc: Exit Game.

This is a fairly early demo in my opinion. It only has 4 of 8 attacks. It does not have a menu. It does not show why it connects with fear quite yet.<br />

Attack Descriptions:<br />

<b>Left 1: Light Bloom</b><br />

Does damage to enemies close to the cursor when you press the left mouse button.<br />

<b>Right 1: Axe</b><br />

Hold the right mouse button, drag the mouse in the direction you want to throw the axe, and release it. The speed and direction are dependent on your location of the start and end positions of the mouse.<br />

<b>Left 2: Triangle Lightstrike</b><br />

Click 3 times to form a triangle, then click inside it to destroy all enemies in it. Can also be used as a trap.<br />

<b>Right 2: Auto-Turret</b><br />

Places an auto-turret. Only one can be operational at a time. Destroys zombeez who touch it, as well as fires a ball of something about every second. A necessity.<br />

Please give me your opinion on the game.<br />-Kenon<br />P.S. My personal record is 423. (aside that one time where I cheated and scored 1300 pts)11 bajillion points.</td></tr></table><br /><table width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="ms_font"><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" width="60%"><a href="http://64digits.com/games/4267/Zombscreen1.png" target="_blank"><img src="../images/ss.png" alt="" style="border: 0px solid black;" /></a><a href="http://64digits.com/games/4267/Zombscreen2.png" target="_blank"><img src="../images/ss.png" alt="" style="border: 0px solid black;" /></a><a href="http://64digits.com/games/4267/Zombscreen3.png" target="_blank"><img src="../images/ss.png" alt="" style="border: 0px solid black;" /></a></td><td align="left" valign="middle" width="70%"><a href="http://www.64digits.com/games/index.php?cmd=view_game&id=4267&download=1" class="forum"><b>DOWNLOAD NOW</b></a><br /><br /><b><font size=0><a href="#" onclick="if (confirm('Really recommend this game as a staff pick?')) {window.location='http://64digits.com/games/index.php?cmd=view_game&id=4267&pick_submit=1';} return false;">Recommend </a> | <a href='http://64digits.com/games/index.php?cmd=view_game&id=4267&add=1'>Add Favourite</a> | <a href='http://64digits.com/games/index.php?cmd=view_game&id=4267&newtrack=1'>Track</a></font></b></td></tr></table><br /></table>

<fieldset><legend>Actual Blog Content</legend><div align="left">Hehe, 64digit's games are fucked, so I decided to take it into my own hands to front-page it XD<br /> Anyways, try the game. It's pretty fun =D. Plus, Aeron did the music. And it rules.

I don't know if that qualifies as enough content, but either way, I'm gonna win the Reflect Contest with this. I GUARANTEE IT!!!!!

Ok, I tried originally to make a comment box that made you comment on the game without accessing the page itself, but lets just say I failed miserably.

So here's a link here. <br /r><a href='http://64digits.com/games/index.php?cmd=view_game&id=4267'>HERRREEE</a>

So yeah, not much other content. FEAR MY AWESOME USE OF HTML!

Next I'm gonna make me a PLatformed theme or Zombeez theme page.

So yeah, Bye!</fieldset></div>


Rez 17 years, 5 months ago

I second that.

Snakeman 17 years, 5 months ago


Kenon 17 years, 5 months ago

What the hell? You CAN'T place the turret?

One sec… I'm gonna check that out.

AH! Found the problem! I chose the wrong file XD.

Ok, problem solved.

Cesar 17 years, 5 months ago

I second that

Tasm 17 years, 5 months ago


flashback 17 years, 5 months ago


panzercretin 17 years, 5 months ago

C-C-C-COMBO FIXER. also I has no mouse wheel.

Kenon 17 years, 5 months ago

@Twinsoul GET A NEW MOUSE.