Yep, I said it.
We're doing a Sprite Collaboration, probably for use as a background that you can dl or something.Anyways, rules are:1.Only make 1 square at a time.2.Have fun!3.???4.PROFIT!Here is the collaboration Image. I have started you off.
Yep, I said it.
We're doing a Sprite Collaboration, probably for use as a background that you can dl or something.Anyways, rules are:1.Only make 1 square at a time.2.Have fun!3.???4.PROFIT!Here is the collaboration Image. I have started you off.

Mmh… Tasty Domo…lol
wow… XD
Facking bubz takin' meh presents! >=O

As it turns out, the computer tower is a gift to YOU! =DLmfao, nice one Inky. But it doesn't beat the BerryBlade that stampede drew up.
Death of collaboration?! NOOOOOO!
I was gone for a whole day, and you people have done NOTHING! You little bitches. -_- I'm ashamed of you. I am NOT doing this whole thing myself…so do it! Or I'ma cry, and that's even WORSE than having me bitch and rage at you. -_-Whee for fail.