A monumental Blog

Posted by Kenon on Feb. 26, 2008, 8:12 p.m.

I'm reaching 23k hits, and this is my 200th blog, so I thought I'd make it a very monumental blog.


I wanted to suprise you with this on demo day, but for the past few days, I have been working on redesigning PLatformed.

The most major thing is that PLatformed is no longer a Platform-view game. It is now Top Down!

So the game's name is now TOpdowned.

Ok, so TOpdowned's graphics are only in their first stage, but they will improve.


The major changes:

-The storyline has gone under serious revision. The storyline is much more "Gangsta" now.

-The view has changed

-The battle system of old has been eradicated

-Guns might be a future addition

-Possible online deathmatch mode

So yeah, comment on this change that will no-doubt make PL… err.. TOpdowned the greatest game 64digits has ever known!


PY 17 years ago

No way… No way at all.

You restarted again? Forget a vaporware award, Kenon gets to write the definition in all major dictionaries!

Snakeman 17 years ago

Days until PLatformed's release: 23073

This needs to be changed. =O

F1ak3r 17 years ago

Why not call it VApourwared?

PY 17 years ago


Haha, TOpdowned…

What you doing with the PLatformed file, then?

Cesque 17 years ago

Days until PLatformed's release: 23073

Yeah, sure. More like, with three zeroes at the end.

OL 17 years ago

What in Raptor Jesus' name is that thing on the right?

Juju 17 years ago

Oh you have got to be kidding.

marbs 17 years ago

Kenon, I can safely say you made the right decision.

Jaxx 17 years ago

In my opinion, the HUD's too big.

[deleted user] 17 years ago