Guess I gotta blog too.

Posted by Kenon on March 19, 2008, 7:14 a.m.

YEP. One of these.

Ludamad, Adam:

Ludamad, since the beginning, has been ragging on my abilities to delay. But hey, he's a cool guy. He supports PLatformed to my knowledge, and Ciribot is his child, who I sprited some CRAZY SHIT of. Gonna make Hot Ciribot on Ciribot action sprites soon.

Obelisk, Obel, That Lizard Guy:

Obelisk, at one point, was my entire reason for MSN and Internet. I mean, he was cool, and we did lots of fun stuff. But it all went downhill when I asked Aeron to make some music for PLatformed. Now we don't speak. He's an emotional guy, and he has asked me many a time if he'd go to jail for killing people in his family. So yeah, he's definately insane, which is perfect for popularity on 64digits, as well as being an aspiring artist. PLUS HE TOOK IT UP THE ASS.

REZ, SirREZ, Clay, SirREZZINGTON, REZaholic:

REZ was my first real good buddy on 64digits. In flashchat we'd argue over who would be a mod first, which REZ got. We also tend to think alot like each other, as me and him started working on REZ 2 and PLatformed recently again. Times were fun back in the day of the Platform Wars. And REZ is what made them fun.


Gah, he was such a noob when he joined. He is now a total prick. But hey, his arguments, although really pricklike, now have some reason to them. But as a Spriter, sk8 kinda suffers. His technique was pretty good on the last sprite I saw, but he just doesn't have that sense of imagination or something for it.

Zipper Head, Mike, Spenser .45:

I wish I could say alot about this guy. He was a great old guy, and I hardly remember anything about him other than he was in Taekwondo.

Polystyrene Man:

Poly was a wierd minded kid. But he led to the greatest fad of 64digits by far: The 23 fad. People on 64digits are still obsessed with 23; HELL, I SET UP AN UNDERGROUND FAN CLUB FOR IT AT MY SCHOOL. Anyways, yeah, his mind has been quirky. He's kinda what symbolises 64digits, the true person that symbolises it.


He's going to be in PLatformed :O. I gotta make that promise to him. But hey, he's always been on the butt of gay jokes, and more recently, fruit jokes and whatnot, but hey, he's funny, and a great programmer.

Shadow Yoshi:

Clone of Kaz that became a /b/tard.


Cesar 16 years, 12 months ago

SY isn't a clone of Kaz

Kaz has a girlfriend and a life

Xxypher 16 years, 12 months ago

…Where is me in all of this tomfoolery?

ESA 16 years, 12 months ago

But as a Spriter, sk8 kinda suffers.
Don't act like you're great, either. Just by looking at your avatar, I can tell your dithering is way off. Sk8m8trix is funny, but I see what you mean.

Castypher 16 years, 12 months ago

@ESA: Don't act like you're great, either. Your avatar could use some tuning up, too.

Before you bash my avatar *again*, keep in mind that it was a very quick sketch, and I more often say how bad of a spriter I am than brag about it, and you are bragging about it.

I'd hire Kenon as a spriter over most other people.

Rolf_Soldaat 16 years, 12 months ago

@ ESA: You don't need to be better at something then someone else to have an opinion about it.

Movie reviewers don't direct blockbusters either.

ESA 16 years, 12 months ago

@Kilin: First of all, I wasn’t “bashingâ€? your sprite. Secondly, I wasn’t even planning on doing that. I think it’s good. If you interpret what I said as “bashingâ€?, so be it.

That’s fine if you think my avatar needs to be fixed. I’d just like to let you know that I didn’t even make in the first place… it comes from a game called Elephants that was made for Macs. I can even send you the link, if you’d like. Even if it was my own work, it’s not even pixeled (it’s clearly made in GIMP, just goes to show how little you know), so a comparison wouldn’t make any sense at all.

@Rolf: Point taken, fair enough. I’m just surprised people enjoy shitting on sk8m8trix so much. I would be like him if I were in his position as well.

PY 16 years, 12 months ago

bkuz sk8 iz fún tó básh!

Kenon 16 years, 12 months ago

Quote: ESA
Don't act like you're great, either. Just by looking at your avatar, I can tell your dithering is way off. Sk8m8trix is funny, but I see what you mean.
Done in December, plan on changing it to match with the spring times.

But hey, I think I understand what you mean. It is off, but I like it. But it's too old.

s 16 years, 12 months ago

I still have some random platformed.mp3 Obel posted when he was talking about how useless he was. Good listen

ESA 16 years, 12 months ago

Kenon: I think what I said came out the wrong way. By that I mean too harshly. I saw one of your ustream broadcasts with PLatformed (I'm the guy who said the gradients in the background were bad :D). The graphics aren't bad at all (I especially like the columns, they're hard to sprite). Since you been DElaying so much, it's to be expected that it's old. And sk8 is a prick. He's just a prick who has been who has been hated a little too much :D