Do you know PLatformed well enough?
Well, PROVE IT!The hardest PLatformed quiz to date!:D The answers are all real, and I don't know if I've told 64digits any of them! Oh well, MAJOR SPOILERS anyways.Anyone who scores 60+, I'll write their name here, and include their name in PLatformed somewhere!LIST OF PEOPLE:JujuSludGreenNexFrenchConObelAnyways, after mother board fried, I got back to working on PLatformed this weekend, mostly on sprites. Anyways, I like the changes, and some of you will like them too.Of course, Kilin was like "O.O WHAT DID YOU DO TO IT" when I told him.So yeah, TAKE IT.EDIT: Some cooool things! :D

TAKINGMYQUIZBLOGSFUXThere obviously haven't been many quizzes to date
Whipi-whapi-whupii! I got 60 points!
50 Points for pure guessing… wippie!
Only 10. I only got the part with the Argonian spies because you blogged 'em once.
I was hoping for easier questions like "Who was going to be in PLatformed but was taken out?"I know the answer to that at least. o_o