Spore Track #0

Posted by Kenon on Sept. 22, 2008, 12:47 p.m.

I am in progress of writing a ruleset for my Sporetrack editions of 64Blogs. I'm going to be tracking my Spore creature step by step, posting in the blogs, along with screenshots and whatnot. I will flip a coin to decide my starting style (Herbivore/Carnivore) and make my decisions from there. I will not be making an omnivore unless things pop up with that, as I find them too easy in the Tribal stage.


Coinflip for carnivore/herbivore

No Omnivoring

Play on Normal

If you wish to suggest more rules for me to adhere by, please post them and I will filter through them. I will start tonight in 4-5 hours.

In other news, I have been designing a map for TF2 that I particularly like. It is a CP map Off/Def which has 5 points. The 5th can be captured once any of the previous 4 are. Once all of the previous 4 caps have been captured, an easy access route from the offense's spawn opens up to assault the defense. I'm gonna try to do a sketch of it later or screen it.

In the meantime, EFFICI-TECH IS THE BEST.

That's my line of spore buildings, including Effici-Tech Affordable Housing and Effici-Tech Eco-Friendly Factory (Only pollutes 1/6 of the amount it takes to make your planet into an uninhabitable wasteland in an hour!)


Snakeman 16 years, 5 months ago

Maybe add "Must kill one Epic creature?" :D

V 16 years, 5 months ago

Kill everything you encounter. :3

Cesar 16 years, 5 months ago

Kill everyone you talk to :3

Kenon 16 years, 5 months ago

Ok, I'm following my ruleset, and I have flipped the coin.

I'm an Herbivore.

Josea 16 years, 5 months ago

Try it eye-less, aka, blind.

V 16 years, 5 months ago

DAMN. Burn every plant you see. XD

Alpha Man 16 years, 5 months ago


WILL YOU TRY THaat lollll

chicklet 16 years, 5 months ago

wow alpha man is still around…

aaannndddd i think he'll be eatin' then plants not burning them… but i havent been following along so i could be wrong…

so then, why the touristy japan-ism eh keennoonnn??