My last blog wasn't a one off fluke

Posted by Kenon on April 12, 2010, 12:43 a.m.

I do plan to make PLatformed still. I've begun the arduous process of learning to model for it. It's not that bad really. I don't plan on making the models very high res (about 800 polys to a model maybe), so I can render a ton.

Yeah, PLatformed is gonna be pseudo3D. Cue the Delay alarm.

In all seriousness, it's probably for the best. I've been working with 3D for like 2 years at this point, and it's amazingly indepth. You can do a ton with a shader system and low-poly models. It's beautiful, really.

I'm going to be waiting for Enigma's next big release, which apparently is going to be soon.

Also, in my personal life, HOT DAMN APPLYING TO COLLEGES IS EXPENSIVE. I'm going to UT Austin, going to apply for as much financial aid as I can get, and yet I am too lazy to fill out scholarship application things. Hey, call me stupid. I am. Anyways, I'm going to it, and nothing is gonna prevent me. I have to pay off somewhere between $22,000 to $27,000, so I'm gonna have some fun. I know I have $2000 right now, pretty confident I'll have about $11000 coming from the govt, and that leaves only like $9000 to $14000 to find in some other way. I can do it, I know I can.

And I still haven't gotten my financial aid info back, so the number could be something sooo much smaller. I'm 2nd in my class, made a 1430 on the old SAT style, 800 Math II and Phys, and I have a history in their own scholar program for high school students of getting to state. I'm going to be able to pay for it. Even if it comes down to loans.


Kenon 14 years, 11 months ago

Loans do not phase me one bit. I'm going into MATHEMATICS.

Scott_AW 14 years, 11 months ago

Its nice to know enigma isn't dead, I'm kind of hoping they succeed. What are you doing platformed in?

Kaz 14 years, 11 months ago

There's money in mathematics?

NeutralReiddHotel 14 years, 11 months ago

There's money in mathematics?

This is also news to me.

Castypher 14 years, 11 months ago

PLatformed? I think I love you again, Kenon. Now we can go on dates in public and tell everyone about our intimate relationship?

But all joking aside, I seriously think you should make a 2D version first. If you set your bar as high as 3D, you'll never finish, and at least by doing sprites, you'll have a completed game to present in case you never finish 3D.

Also, take that "JakeX" off of your banner. It blemishes what could be a great game.