I've been thinking about a few things more often than normal. I've been thinking about a person (I'll talk about her in some other blog), my future, and PLatformed. Yeah, PLatformed.
Its been getting on my nerves actually, because I thought I would have just given up at this point. My mind won't. I'm just going to have to make it.But to do that, I'll have to get better. I'm not going to be using GM if I do it. I'll do it in some other system, probably C++ or something like that. I'll get better at it eventually.This brings me to the next part. My future, and what I want from it. I have no idea at this point. I want to get better at Starcraft II to start, just so I can kinda hold my ground against a lot of the players. I'm going to go interject here and talk about something that I recently started thinking in. Troll Relationships. This is an idea in a webcomic known as Hivebent, or Homestuck I GUESS. But here, I'll post the image.
Click on the image to go to a description
Basically, romance in the Troll universe is divided into four quadrants, one representing Deep Affection, one representing Fated Friendship/Mentorship, one being a mediator, and one being a fated nemesis. I've been taking a look at my relationships with that, and I can't really determine how many of mine are which. A kismesis… I have no idea. I have a few moirails, but I doubt I'm an auspisticor to anyone. The Matespiritship, that one is the confusing one as I am not exactly certain I have anyone like that, even in a secretive sense.I will leave you to ponder on about one last thing. Hot Skitty on Wailord Action. Go draw it Cyrus.
go for the girl!
Go for the PLatformed!
Trolls are complicated.
I agree with Killin, it makes things a lot easier if you've already have a completed(or nearly) version to base it off of when going to a more complicated language.I need some time to get better.
Gotta love a bit of ol' Dan le Sac.
I recommend trying out XNA (C#) if you're looking to move away from GML.