[TMP] I love her more than anything

Posted by Kenon on Aug. 20, 2010, 11:23 a.m.

I love PYRO and she loves me. I met her on the 18th of MAY by DESTROYING one of her COMPUTERS THAT BELONGED TO ME on this very DATA STREAM. She told everyone about her ABILITY TO BLOW PEOPLE. I immediately responded to her OBVIOUS OVERPOWEREDNESS, giving her my LIFE AS I KNOW IT. We talked about her working ON HOW TO KILL SOLDIERS and we PRACTICED ALONGSIDE her on SOME TF2 SERVER. I invited her into a FAKE meeting on SOME RANDOM day, and she brought up a se.. certain scene between HUEY LEWIS and SOMETHING LIKE 100 PROJECTILES. Umm, anyway, later that DAY we started REFLECTKILL DEMOS alot, and I read that I had not GONE TO THE BATHROOM on that day. So I decided to IGNORE HER AND PLEASE her on[c]e through TAKING A HUGE DUMP.

*missing scene*

By the end of the night I had REFLECTKILLED SOLDIERS AND DEMOS over 99 TIMES. But I couldn't conceal it anymore, I had to tell her, that I love her. She said that she MMF HMMPF HMMPF HUDDA HUDDA HAH MHMHMHM. So, this is a personal message to everyone who wishes to PLAY AS THE PYRO CLASS IN TF2, back off, she's mine. I don't care about the fact that we are separated by THE LAWS OF SCIENCE AND REALITY. I still love her, and I always will, no matter what [UNLESS I PLAY TF2 LESS BUT I DOUBT IT]. This day marks our first 1 YEAR 5 MONTHS AND 2 DAYS of being together, and so, I wrote a song for my love:




Its a reality. It must be.

Why else would everyone come back during August of 2010? There HAS to be a reason, and the reason is the code!

Quick! Anyone who has access to the php code needs to search through all the terrifying pieces and find that piece that attracted us all back! Its vital! We could sell it and make BILLIONS.

In all seriousness, this is a strange influx. I'll change my avatar later, to something I whip up tomorrow or sometime. But we're back. Its amazing. I don't know why, but 64digits is active again!

Which means only one thing.

I've decided to start working on PLatformed again!

I'll also start posting blogs more often. Today I'm packing, moving to Austin tomorrow!


aeron 14 years, 6 months ago

Today I'm packing, moving to Austin tomorrow!
No shit Kenon, me too! Actually I'm moving up Sunday.

Kenon 14 years, 6 months ago

Sweet, you going to UT Austin as well?

F1ak3r 14 years, 6 months ago

I had forgotten about that one.

Grand-High Gamer 14 years, 6 months ago

I love Pyro too, plus Martyrdom :D

No but really I love the pyro, fuck the haters.

Kenon 14 years, 6 months ago

520 hours as pyro or something like that I have.

Toast 14 years, 6 months ago


Castypher 14 years, 6 months ago

Why do I doubt that GHG is on the same page as Kenon? If he's not, let's get a 64Team going here.

aeron 14 years, 6 months ago

Yup. What are you studying? (CS for me)

Kenon 14 years, 6 months ago

I'm in Mathematics, so our buildings are pretty damn close. You staying in the dorms?

Cesar 14 years, 6 months ago

64team? FUCK YEAH