I would have some screenshots here of PLatformed

Posted by Kenon on Jan. 24, 2011, 3:36 p.m.

But sadly something happened (Namely, I'm too lazy to relearn spriting).

But lets just say an evil wizard zapped a hole in PLatformed's source code and my reaction was like this.

Yep, thats definitely what happened

Because of this, I'm promising you guys that I will ATTEMPT to work on PLatformed this semester, as 3d level design is getting kinda boring anyways.

Also V3 is a big motivator.

Get ready for some fake screenshots!



Scott_AW 14 years, 1 month ago

Oh thats my new background now.

JuurianChi 14 years, 1 month ago

Hatred of making the same game for two years is my excuse this month.