Damn, I gotta start smoking.

Posted by Kenon on March 23, 2011, 1:15 p.m.

Ok so today went better. I saw her, had lunch with her.

If only we went to some place that served something OTHER THAN MEAT. lmfao.

(If you don't know I'm a vegetarian. And I told her that too. Well, I told her I don't like the taste of meat and then tried to eat hamburger. BLEH, It was terrrrible)

Anyways, status update before class, we lamented on schedules, her friend had a birthday today, who is apparently 22 and incredibly unattractive.

But I found out some stuff:

Double Major in Social Work and Philosophy

Taking a math class this summer to knock it out somewhere

Her name (Not disclosing at the second)

She's never heard of Homestuck

She smokes

Some other useless crap

Ok I'm off. Be back later.


Rez 13 years, 11 months ago

you used to be cool

Kenon 13 years, 11 months ago

Yeah before I started blogging about this shit huh

aeron 13 years, 11 months ago


panzercretin 13 years, 11 months ago

Quote: Rez
you used to be cool

Eva unit-01 13 years, 11 months ago


Get outta here brussel sprout! *Breaks shit while consuming his beefy quarter pounder with one hand, plans on fapping to the dollar menu later on*

Cesque 13 years, 11 months ago

"So I heard you like stalking, too?" is such a great conversation opener.

The Avatrol 13 years, 11 months ago

If you're lucky, soon her mom will be cooking you meatloaf, even though you don't eat meat. /bad pun

I can't understand how anybody could NOT LIKE THE TASTE OF MEAT, oh well, more power to you. You must eat a lot of nuts and soy and shit, or take lot's of vitamins? It's a lot of work staying healthy without meat.

There was a time when I blogged about girls and such. Ignore the haters, it's cool to get other peoples advice about stuff like this, even from a game maker community site. :)

Always, ignore the little voice in your head, if you see something you want, just go for it.

Also, I smoke a lot, and REALLY REALLY REGRET ever starting to smoke cigarettes. DO NOT do it. I know it's killing me, I feel tired all the time, run out of breath easily, but cigarettes are one of the most addicting thing, it's very very hard to stop once you start. Oh, it's also a waste of money. Also, it causes impotence. There are over 1000 chemicals in cigarettes, and the companies don't have to make the information publicly available. A lot of those chemicals probably come from pesticides that they spray on the tobacco.



sk8m8trix 13 years, 11 months ago

Dudeee I'm a vegetarian and I smoke! Joinn usss!

Eva unit-01 13 years, 11 months ago

Cigs are bad mm'kay.

Be like me and drink instead…just no beer.

aeron 13 years, 11 months ago

There are much better things to smoke than cigarettes. Which things those are I'll leave up to you to decide >:D