Posted by Kenon on May 1, 2011, 10:15 p.m.



colseed 13 years, 10 months ago

i find it most strange they didn't even bother to capture him and give an execution, it was just "shoot em dead". is that how we're doing it now? also killed his 19 year-old son too. so yeah… go America and it's barbaric ways… so whose next is the question?
Capturing someone alive can be damn hard.

It's not as if he would have lived anyway - is executing through legal process any less barbaric than shooting them in a firefight in the field?

(writing this fast, so I could be reasoning wrong ._. )

Eva unit-01 13 years, 10 months ago

Someone shot the gun in the take on accident. The bullet bounced around inside before finally hitting him in the head. The tank then began to veer off course into a nearby mountain where it burst into flames. Jones then emerged from the destroyed vehicle carrying the defeated body of Osama. Everyone erupted into celebration. Even the enemies. It was a good day.

death 13 years, 10 months ago

cyrus is getting me a bit lol. no not live, but i don't think killing someone in/near their own home is really the kinda thing America should be known for… but i can understand everybody else being happy over death. i'm just not the kinda person to celebrate death, whether it be enemy or ally.

thernz 13 years, 10 months ago

is executing through legal process any less barbaric than shooting them in a firefight in the field?

The Avatrol 13 years, 10 months ago

Well, to be honest, what do you expect? People who disagree need to make their voices heard. It's one thing to voice your opinion that you don't think we should be at war, and we should send the troops home, but most people voice this opinion and literally do nothing about it. Look at the protests during Vietnam. Eventually, everybody got to the point where they had enough and we left.

This war is the same thing. We're not going to "kill all the terrorist". It's a laughable notion really. If anything, we'll breed more hatred and create more violence.

flashback 13 years, 10 months ago

Congratulations, you took a decade to kill one man. We're all happy for you.

LoserHands 13 years, 10 months ago

He was a leader of terrorists… he took responsibility for a group of extremist murderers.

Now he's dead, yay.

(meh, how long do so many soldiers need to be in the ME?)

Rez 13 years, 10 months ago

Let this be a warning.

If you plan a major terrorist attack on my country, my government will spend years instituting invasive policies which alienate my fellow citizens' own rights and we as a nation will act totally divided on the issue until a decade passes and we just hunt you down and dance on your body like hypocrites (as if your group won't continue without you… oops).

Fuck yeah.

rufus 13 years, 10 months ago

who is osama bin laden?

Cpsgames 13 years, 10 months ago

Since Rez could just run this country swell.