The last time I opened PLatformed's source

Posted by Kenon on Oct. 20, 2011, 2:06 a.m.

I looked at it, thought about it, and closed it.




DesertFox 13 years, 4 months ago

RIP PLatformed 2006(?) - 2011 :<

Castypher 13 years, 4 months ago

You've lost your entire audience over the years, too.

Kenon 13 years, 4 months ago

Yeah like I care about it, I'll remake it under a different name, it was becoming too bloated and away from platforming to be called PLatformed anyways :P

I may salvage the name for something else in the future.

Castypher 13 years, 4 months ago

At least keep the characters. They were definitely worth something.

Kenon 13 years, 4 months ago

I'm definitely keeping the characters.

For some situational understanding of the characters of the game in case I ever revive it in some way and for some context to those who have no bloody idea how it was formulated:

The core centralization of the PLatformed plot and story characters revolve around 12 figures, The Four main "gods" of the game, (Fieros, Grenetarch, Heshathos, Demoris), The Four main Protagonists of the game (Spike, "Blaster", Sparl/Veran, Kenon <-Where I derive my name from), and the Four Antagonists (Dephos, Kryos, Attakari, Durahn).

Gods of PLatformed

Fieros, the Holder of Fire, is the Creator of Energy. He mediates in the concept of vigor and is represented by the nation of Argonia, a relatively lively and prosperous area, of markets and of influence, a nation that occupies a great deal of the northwest area of the continent they live on.Fieros is one of the more "embodied" gods, meaning that he is one of the ones that is channeled by a living being (and subsequently his energy) the most.

Grenetarch, the Holder of Clay, the Embodiment of Life, generally is with the encompassment of health and agriculture. Grenetarch exudes an aura of peace, and was represented by the stoic region of Frell, which occupies the southwest of the continent. Grenetarch is the second most channeled being, generally in war eras in the continent's history, as the idea of Grenetarch is similar to the "Brawler for Peace" style.

Demoris, the Holder of the Seas, is the Demon of War and Death. Demoris does not see eye to eyes with the other gods, and he often has no concern for the life that they have created. Demoris's line lives off to the east regions of the continent, and are a nation feared for their potential military aspects (Of which they rarely interact on, most of the nation is similar to scholars). Demoris is rarely channeled, and in history when he is, he tends to inhabit for long periods of time in his channel target and leads the world into chaos.

Heshathos, the Holder of the Skies, is the Grand Mediator. Silent and unknowing, little is known of Heshathos other than her power. Heshathos's children, the Winshath, live in the center of the continent in the mountain ranges of Winshar. The Winshath people are known mercenaries. Heshathos, previous to the storyline of PLatformed, has never been channeled.

Protagonists of PLatformed

Spike Demoris

The main bastard son of the Demoris head line, he is a major member of the Timid Fox and the person responsible for channeling Demoris in terms to attempt to create a de-facto Military peace between Argonia, Frell, and Winshar, which had, at that point, started to have major deterioration of relationships and were on the brink of War. The game begins with him in an amnesiatic state after the fall of Winshar. He is notable as a member of the Demoris line, remarked by the spikes on his back, unique to his region of which no one where he is in the beginning (Frell) has. The story progresses on to reveal that Spike is the current embodiment of the Demon Demoris, the war god of the planet they're on (which has no name). Throughout the story, more is revealed to Spike by Demon Demoris of the incidents that go on, and Spike regains abilities of Demoris, until he is fully overtaken by him after the defeat of (what was planned to be the end of PLatformed 2) Kryo-revived Heshathos-Kenon (I'll have to explain this one in depth, it's kinda silly to say without having the history planned in PLatformed's ending and PLatformed 2, but basically Kenon's "death" that occurs at the end of PLatformed is more of him becoming part of Heshathos, and Kryos, one of the antagonists, specializes in a sense of necromancy which involves trapping energy in crystals, essentially reviving the target he wants to). The climactic end of Spike is the end of the game, where Spike assimilates the power of Demon Demoris and becomes the new Demon of War and Death.

Blaster Petronas

An ex-Argonian military officer, he defected from Argonia years before PLatformed on fears that their system was undergoing corruption in a wartime sense. As a skilled marksman, commander, and networker, he creates an underground resistance movement that eventually becomes an illuminati-esque world-controlling secret agency known as the Timid Fox, which tried to control interactions between major players of the world to promote peace no matter the circumstance. Veran of Frell, Attakari, Spike, and Blaster are major members of the Story that are members of the Timid Fox, though Attakari defects after the incidents of the Fall of Winshar. This group is the main reason behind the event's occurrence. Blaster recognizes the fact that Demon Demoris still occupies Spike, but does not recognize his emergence of power as being that Demoris is gaining control in a way deemed uncontrollable. At the very beginning of PLatformed, Blaster duels Sparl and recognizes that he is ex-Timid Fox member Veran, and then recreates the group with him. Throughout the story, he gains affluency with communicating with Fieros and gains immense respect towards Spike's energy and power, which he gains more affluence in detecting as he becomes progressively linked with Fieros. Throughout PLatformed, Blaster's father is mentioned as the man who created the idea of a tactical sniper of their generation.

Veran of Frell/ Sparl/ Veran Artulii

An aide to the King of Winshar, Veran was assimilated into the culture of Winshar's mercenary-style training. Veran initially ventured to Winshar to become a mercenary. Later in life, he gained a great deal of respect from the King, granting him the trust to be the personal Trainer and Bodyguard of the Prince of Winshar, Kenon. Veran and Kenon develop bonds together, to the point where Kenon refers to him as his brother, Veran Artulii. At some undisclosed point, Veran met up with Blaster Petronas to join the Timid Fox. Veran acts as a leader of the group (though not the creator), and comes up with most of the ideas of execution for the group. Veran planned the Channel of Demoris, and subsequently caused the Fall of Winshar. During the Fall of Winshar, Veran duels Durahn and appears to lose, as a wall of a castle collapses on him. This is used by him as an attempt to escape out of the situation while destroying potential blame on him. Veran creates the identity of Sparl and assumes that, becoming a post-war bandit in Winshar, trying to gain information about where the Timid Fox members are. He discovers their locations of Frell and embarks there, arriving at the beginning of PLatformed. Seeing Spike, knowing he contains the essence of Demon Demoris, plans to kill him, but becomes embarked in a duel with Blaster. Veran, understanding the fragile state between Frell and Argonia, teams with Blaster and Spike to reform the Timid Fox and create a strike to kill Durahn, who is essentially the leader of Argonia at this point, and to revive Winshar by reinstating Kenon as King. Veran acts as the main tactic creator for the rest of the story and acts as a bodyguard still to Kenon, presumably because of the fear of Demoris.

Kenon Artulii

Kenon Artulii, the Prince of Winshar, has no connection to the Timid Fox, and first plays a major allocation in the story as being the person Veran guards. When Veran appears to die to Durahn during the Fall of Winshar, Kenon channels the essence of Heshathos in an effort to kill Durahn out of anger. The channel works for the first time ever, and the channel drives Kenon to the brink of insanity in murderous bloodlust. Nearly killing Durahn, Kenon then retains the channel of Heshathos and travels around the ruins of Winshar Castle murdering all those who come near it, albeit with weakening power, until encountered by Veran, Blaster, and Spike. Kenon does not recognize Veran at this point but the power of Heshathos is unchanneled by him, and his state of madness, though not going entirely away, diminishes with this. Kenon assists with the operation to Kill Durahn and is the person who actually does it, by channeling Heshathos while fighting Durahn with Spike. When Heshathos is channeled, she explains to Kenon that Spike Demoris is the embodiment of Demon Demoris, and that the world would fall to chaos if he were to not stop him. After hearing the situation with Heshathos, Kenon decides that killing Spike would not yield the right result, and the idea should be to kill Demon Demoris instead. Heshathos instead enlightens Kenon to the idea of conglomeration of power, and having Spike become the new Holder of the Seas as a balancing effort. With this, Kenon and Heshathos agreed that there was no current way to do that and the future would have to hold the key, and to ensure that Kenon lived to that future, Heshathos fused with Kenon's energy and they became the new Holder of the Skies. Kenon goes on to be dead and dischanneled for a long time, until revived by Kryos under the command of Attakari. Kryo Heshathos-Kenon goes on to fight Spike when Spike becomes overwhelmed by Demon Demoris's power.