Depakote and Risperdal

Posted by Kenon on March 30, 2012, 3:15 p.m.

Medication is pretty badass.

And those are the two types I'm taking for my issues.

If you didn't hear I nearly killed or injured myself. Now I'm on medication for Bipolar Disorder and am taking Mood Stabilizers (Depakote) and anti-psychotics (Risperdal). First dose today. Holy shit am I tired.

Ok beyond that this week has been really good. No kidding there.

I dunno what to say other than that PLatformed is delayed yet again due to the circumstances in my life.


firestormx 12 years, 11 months ago

I dunno what to say other than that PLatformed is delayed yet again due to the circumstances in my life.

I'm still really happy that you're getting help and willing to take meds. Medication saves lives. =)

Cesque 12 years, 11 months ago

Depakote tastes horrible (or at least its local Polish equivalent does).

I don't suppose you have bipolar disorder, and Risperdal sounds pretty… serious. But apparently prescribing a shitload of meds is how psychiatrists deal with every single issue now. Maybe I'm just suspicious because 4 years of dealing with the bastards left with a lamotrigine dependency :(

Kenon 12 years, 11 months ago

I honestly thought I was bipolar or manic-depressive going into this, I tend to have mood spikes that are uncontrollable and insanely powerful in level. It's cool and all sometimes but I thought it was an issue that lead to me going off the deep end.

The Risperdal is serious, It's for hallucinations mostly iirc. I kinda have an issue sometimes with audio hallucinations and sometimes visual hallucinations in my periphery, especially in shadows.

Lucky me the depakote doesn't really have a taste. Slow release tablet.

Both medicines make me drowsy as ALL HELL.

Rez 12 years, 11 months ago

mood spikes

svf 12 years, 11 months ago

Quote: Rez