64 digits theatre #4

Posted by Kenon on June 11, 2006, 6:51 a.m.

Last time on 64digits Theatre, REZ captured the Mods and carried them to his base. The mods did a lot of things to get out, but none of them worked…. what will happen to the mods? YOU WILL FIND OUT!


THe mods were out of Ideas. The ciribot army was destroyed, no one was around for miles, and the mods were tired. Very tired.

"Hey Luda. You have taht super watch, right?" Twisterghost asked.

"Yeah, so?" Ludamad replied.

"Use the teleporter!" Twisterghost yelled at him.

Ludamad stared blankly at twisterghost and said, "You're a genius!" He activated the teleporter on his watch. He dissapeared.

"Erm… big problem…" Melee said.

"What?" Twisterghost said shockingly.

"LUDAMAD WARPED RIGHT INTO ME!" Melee, or now LudaMelee said.

Twisterghost burst out in laughter. "How the ciribot did THAT happen?" He laughed.

LudaMelee was angry. He set his teleporter to TG. He pressed "teleport". LudaMelee fused with Twisterghost to form LudaMeleeGhost.

"What was that for?" LudaMeleeGhost yelled at himself. "Never laugh at the Melee" He yelled back.

Meanwhile, JakeX walked by the ccell they were held in. He busted out in laughter, "What did you guys do?"

LudaMeleeGhost said vengefuly, "No one laughs at the Melee". LudaMeleeGhost replied, "NO! DON'T DO THAT!" LudaMeleeGhost yelled. LudaMeleeGhost hit the teleporter button. He teleported strait into JakeX. He became LudaMeleeGhostX

LudaMeleeGhostX said, "You know once rez is drefeated, you're all banned." He replied, 'We know." LudaMeleeGhostX went to right Rez.

When Rez saw the abomination, he bust out in laughter.

"What happened to you mods? And did you 3 fuse with JakeX?"

"No one laughs at the Melee!"LudaMeleeGhostX pressed the teleport button and aimed at Rez. He pressed the button. LudaMeleeGhostX became LudaMeleeRezGhostX.

And thus the mods could not not be captured by Rez, and they flew back to the planet of 64digits, to work on the RPG.



Firebird 18 years, 9 months ago


Cesar 18 years, 9 months ago

funny, i laughed, especially the fusion with jake X and rez…

Kenon 18 years, 9 months ago

yeah. I like melee's line.

"No one laughs at the Melee."

Rez 18 years, 9 months ago

What the hell? wheres 64 digits theatre #3? XD

Juju 18 years, 9 months ago

*Applauds loudly* Bravo! Encore!

noshenim 18 years, 9 months ago

why'd you reverse it?

DesertFox 18 years, 9 months ago

What the hell? wheres 64 digits theatre #3? XD

What the hell? wheres 64 digits theatre #3? XD

What the hell? wheres 64 digits theatre #3? XD

Do tell…

Snakeman 18 years, 9 months ago

reverse it! please?

Kenon 18 years, 9 months ago

ok. fixed… stupid mods =)

DesertFox 18 years, 9 months ago