For Reading Purposes, 64 digits theatre combined

Posted by Kenon on June 12, 2006, 6:44 a.m.

In AD 2101, War was beginning. The 64digits mods were safely flying back from mars with the PM system, when an explosion rocked their space ship.

Melee yelled, "What happen?"

Ludamad replied, "Someone set up us the bomb."

Twisterghost interrupted, "We get signal."

Melee yelled, "What?"

Twisterghost said, "Main screen turn on." Rez was on the screen.

Melee cried, "It's you."

Rez eerily said, "How are you gentlemen. All your base are belong to us. You are on the way to destruction."

Melee interrupted "What you say?"

Rez continued, "You have no chance to survive make your time. Ha Ha Ha……"

After REZ took control of the 64d Starcruiser, he set it on course to his secret lair while tellling them his secret plot. "With Melee's Platformer Engine and my amazing programming and graphic skills, Rez2 will be better than Platformed! MWAHAHAHAHA!" Rez said in his evil tone of voice.

"You'll never get away with this!" Melee said as he tried to take control of the ship. But all his efforts were futile, as the course was locked.

"Who can save us?" Twisterghost asked to the crew.

"Only two people can help us.. but they would never help. " mooselumph said with anxiety in his voice.

The starship arrived at Rez's secret base. An army of Rezbots boarded and captured them. Rez then boarded himself, walked up to Melee, and demanded,"Give me the Platform Engine. NOW."

"Never!" Melee cried.

Ludamad whispered to melee, "If I can reach the danger button on my communicator, I can call for backup." Melee tried his hardest to reach that button. With all he had, he threw a kick and hit the communicator. It flew out of ludamad's hands, hit a wall, and broke. "Smooth move, melee!" Ludamad yelled at melee.

Unbeknownst to them, the danger button was pressed, and withing minutes, an army of ciribots invaded Rez's base. "Rezbots, ATTACK!" Rez yelled. Within minutes, the fight was over. Not one Rezbot was scratched, hurt, damaged, or destroyed. But all the ciribots were dismantled piece by piece.

"But.. HOW?" Ludamad cried. "Ciribots aare strong!"

"In your dreams, pathetic mod." Rez chuckled. "Ciribots are hardly fit to be destroyed. They're so weak!"

From a cliff towering the base, there was a lone figure wearing a black cape, watching the entire fight. "Pfft… those mods… Guess I have to save them.. but there better be a reward." He said in his powerful voice. The man Jumped off the cliff, using his cape as wings, and landed right on Rez. "You need any help, mods?"

"Of course not. We're unable to move, our army of ciribots are gone, and we are running out of ideas! We can easily get out of this." Melee said sarcastically.

"Fine. I understand sarcasm. But I need a reward. I want to become a mod." The man said.

"We need to know who you are if you want us to tell you." Twisterghost said.

"Ok….." The man said as he threw off his cape to reveal Kenon. "It's Kenon."

"NO WAY!" Rhys said in an outburst.

"Suit yourself." Kenon said as he walked away.

"Rhys…. now how the ciribot will we get out of this predicament?" Twisterghost screamed in fury.

THe mods were out of Ideas. The ciribot army was destroyed, no one was around for miles, and the mods were tired. Very tired.

"Hey Luda. You have taht super watch, right?" Twisterghost asked.

"Yeah, so?" Ludamad replied.

"Use the teleporter!" Twisterghost yelled at him.

Ludamad stared blankly at twisterghost and said, "You're a genius!" He activated the teleporter on his watch. He dissapeared.

"Erm… big problem…" Melee said.

"What?" Twisterghost said shockingly.

"LUDAMAD WARPED RIGHT INTO ME!" Melee, or now LudaMelee said.

Twisterghost burst out in laughter. "How the ciribot did THAT happen?" He laughed.

LudaMelee was angry. He set his teleporter to TG. He pressed "teleport". LudaMelee fused with Twisterghost to form LudaMeleeGhost.

"What was that for?" LudaMeleeGhost yelled at himself. "Never laugh at the Melee" He yelled back.

Meanwhile, JakeX walked by the ccell they were held in. He busted out in laughter, "What did you guys do?"

LudaMeleeGhost said vengefuly, "No one laughs at the Melee". LudaMeleeGhost replied, "NO! DON'T DO THAT!" LudaMeleeGhost yelled. LudaMeleeGhost hit the teleporter button. He teleported strait into JakeX. He became LudaMeleeGhostX

LudaMeleeGhostX said, "You know once rez is drefeated, you're all banned." He replied, 'We know." LudaMeleeGhostX went to right Rez.

When Rez saw the abomination, he bust out in laughter.

"What happened to you mods? And did you 3 fuse with JakeX?"

"No one laughs at the Melee!"LudaMeleeGhostX pressed the teleport button and aimed at Rez. He pressed the button. LudaMeleeGhostX became LudaMeleeRezGhostX.

And thus the mods could not not be captured by Rez, and they flew back to the planet of 64digits, to work on the RPG.



Aura_of_End 18 years, 9 months ago


Rez 18 years, 9 months ago

All your ciribooty are belong to me. [;)]

NeutralReiddHotel 18 years, 8 months ago

That WAS funny!


Ok, I'm tired of laughing…

But it was funny!