Platformed Beta Testers Picked!

Posted by Kenon on June 15, 2006, 1:45 p.m.

Let me introduce Platformed's BETA TESTERS! WHOO!!!!

First off, It's REZ!

Reason: RATF is a great platfomer with a storyline as gripping as an overprotective aunt. Just like Platformed should be.

Expertise: Scenery Judge, Storyline

Next, it's Gamehawk!

Reason: He's a HUGE fan of Platformed and was one of the first people who asked me to be a beta tester! He seemed good for the job too.

Expertise: Unknown

The Third Person, and possibly one of the best choices for Beta Tester, Desertfox!

Reason: He made a platformer so well, it won 2 cage matches! Plus, there are some other reasons, but I don't know what they are!

Expertise: Professionalism

Number 4, and famous person around these parts, it's Melee Master!

Reason: Just look at his games. MOST OF THEM ARE PLATFORMERS! Plus, he has an eye for engine detail.

Expertise: Engine Detail

The Next 2 were chosen at random! So you are VERY lucky!

Number 5, it's Bob799!

Reason: He was picked at random!

Expertise: Uknown

And Number 6, who got in the only way he could, it's Theonewonderboy!

Reason: He begged me to be one.

Expertise: "Playing platform games"

THere they are! For them, Platformed is only a few hours away! But for the rest of 64digits It will be tomorrow. So Be ready for it! (Poor GMC. Has to wait for demo 3.)


Rez 18 years, 9 months ago

If you want RATF, click on my showcase. ;)