Kenon's Super Secret Blog & Platformed Bosses

Posted by Kenon on July 8, 2006, 9:14 a.m.

This isn't it. Ok… what was I gonna say…. OH YEAH.

I failed. Miserably. Jeez. Stupid metabolism… anyways… my sleep schedule is now WORSE. Oh well.

And news about platformed…. Here are the bosses names and descriptions.

1: Sparl

Boss that is invincible to normal attacks. He is only able to be defeated by the scenery

2. Nephurian X

A frozen machine that equires you to drop it from the ceiling onto the floor to do damage. The sticky thing is that the wires are frozenn that hang him up, and you have no fire attacks.

3. Peliard Y

A Cyborg Whale that commands powers underwater. Is suceptible to fire. Unfortunately, you fight him underwater.

4. Kenon

In a slump, Kenon is in the burial tomb of his family. Since Kenon has gone crazy with anger, he attacks you. A boss fight where using normal means of defeating him are advised.

5. Durahn

Durahn has mini scythes that he holds in his hands. In this fight, you have to use different methods against the diferent stages of scythes(fire, water, earth, wind)

6. Kediomeria Z

-He's a secret-


oh, and you want to ffind a SECRET BLOG? the key is ACHOO!

<font color=white size=1>Ok.. it's ludamad's secret blog.</font>


Firebird 18 years, 8 months ago

hehe found the blog.

Eternal 18 years, 8 months ago
V 18 years, 8 months ago


December 31, 1969


lawl, thats what i came up with.

noshenim 17 years, 7 months ago
