Slowing down

Posted by Kenon on May 8, 2018, 9:27 p.m.

This website's only gonna die when the cord gets pulled huh.

Hi everyone. Been a while. Though I've been in discord popping up every time someone mentions math.

I wanna get this thing off my chest. For the last 2 to 3 years I've been trying to take the actuarial exams. Why? So I can have a direction of sorts. Not even one that I necessarily follow. But in typical me fashion, I was spotty. Study for 6 months, break for 6 kinda thing. Not a good thing to do tbh.

Well the thing that I wanna get off my chest is that I can't do it. Or at least I don't think I can. It didn't really dawn on me until recently, but my brain is slowing down. A lot. Though it has its advantages, I'll admit. Is it age? Dunno. But I've been back on a study bender and I can't keep up the amount of time that I physically put into it. My brain is starting to shut down after like, 2 hours. In the past I could keep up the thinking and studying kinda thing for 20 if need be. Good ol college days.

I do think I use the two hours better than I used to use my time though. Maybe I now know how to learn better, as I can understand a lot of the material that I couldn't get earlier before this block when I go through it. Like options on currency conversions, I kinda get that now.

The actuarial exams are kinda scary too. I'm really scared of the next few, even if I got through the first two. Fear sucks.

Dunno what else to write. So let's end it here on nothing substantial. PLatformed won't delay itself, ya know.


flashback 6 years, 10 months ago

This site will remain up for as long as I keep paying for the hosting and domain, and I don't expect this to be a financial burden any time soon.
Ron Howard: It was.