Yep. I have found out. After much study of the ciribot in it's wild habitat, I noticed something strange.

Notice. This ciriboot has a gun and is shooting it's prey (A REZ) But that was not the end of my studies… I researched further and found out something else. CIRIBOTS WILL MURDER FOR FUN!!!!!!I took a video of such a happening and edited it with a part that tells you when the ciribot died.

The troublesome thing is… They know that I know. So they have been hunting me too.

I also Interviewed Ludamad. He said that he showed the footage to the creator of ciribot and he was disgusted.
And I Interviewed REZ. He laughed.
Ok… now I have to look over my shoulder form now on….
In fear of the Ciribots
Useless blog..
Your funniest blog yet. See what else you can find out.
I agree with ChikEn, but useless blogs are always funny, I like it.
It was made to be a joke. but I like it. And I have found out that Ciribots can't operate catapults worth crap.
i always suspected something about those little ciri- AHH!Save ge-ting at-cked nooooo-ooo— dy-ng!!!!!MY LEG!
If you can die by a gun you must really suck at leveling up.
Like Ludamad said, you have too much time in your hands.
make sure those ciribots stay away from my house or i'll give them my "bottles of fun"… XD
it looks looks cute :D
uhoh!, i have one living in my basement!