(SSBM)Kenon's Trip into the Black Holes

Posted by Kenon on Sept. 7, 2006, 12:29 a.m.

Everyone knows about Super Smash Bros. Black holes, right? well… I finally did one today. And damn is it cool. So I did another. And another. AND ANOTHER! and I just kept on doing them.

But each time, I tried something new.

Have you ever seen a black hole made on these Courses?

Yoshi's Island-Yoshi's Story *Pretty easy*

Yoshi's Island-Yoshi's Island *Not so easy. But is possible.*

Other places I plan on trying later are:

DK Island-Jungle Japes-Small amount of room

DK Island-Kongo JUNGLE- Uneven Platforms

Dream Land-Fountain o Dreams-Platforms fall over time

Dream Land-Green Greens- Wind.

Kanto-Pokemon Stadium- Course Chages

Eagleland-Onett Hard to find a place to

Eagleland-Fourside- Gonna be in hell making it

And the two that will be hell to do:

Final Destination (NO PLATFORMS!) and Brinstar (ACID)!

Possibly when I do them I will record them.

Ok… now if you have done the black hole… in any unique way or in any course other than hyrule and battlefield, list them here.

P.S. I decided to cancel platformed's beta demo. Just wait for the real one.


HeroofTime55 18 years, 5 months ago

Basically, as long as a veggie is in contact with a super scope shot, it will not move. Theres more ways than reflecting shots to force constant contact with a shot.